Abstract: ------------------------------------------------------------------ Narrow highly excited states with halfwidth of $\Gamma \approx 0.4$ MeV have been recently detected [1] in nuclei formed in pickup reactions $A_1(d,^3He)A_2^*$. They were observed in kinetic energy spectra of $^3$He ejectiles. The measurements were performed with targets of $^{116,120,124}$Sn isotopes in recoil-free kinematics. The last requires for the two-body reaction $m_1+A_1 -->m_2+A_2^* $ the proper projectile momentum \begin{eqnarray} p_1=\sqrt{[\Delta^2 -(m_1+m_2)^2] [\Delta^2 -(m_1-m_2)^2]}c/(2 \Delta) \end{eqnarray} where $\Delta=A_1-A_2$ is a mass difference between nuclei $A_1$ and $A_2$. If one changes $^3$He ejectiles by hyperhydrogen nuclei the possibility is opened to search for narrow highly excited states with positive strangeness. The following tables contain examples of appropriate reactions for experimental investigations. Projectile and ejectile kinetic energies are also determined for excitation of $A_2^*$ at the level of 590 MeV. Reaction $T_1$, MeV $T_2$, MeV p +$^{120}$Sn --> $^{118}A_2^*$ +$^3H_1^{\Lambda}$ 1589 811 p +$^{120}$Sn --> $^{117}A_2^*$ +^4H_1^{\Lambda} 1248 469 $\pi^+$ + $^{120}$Sn --> $^{119}A_2^*$ +$\Lambda$ 1489 854 $K^+$ + $^{120}$Sn --> $^{119}A_2^*$ + p 280 173 $K^+$ + d --> $\Theta ^+$ + p 287 178 The last reaction is also proposed in [2]. Reaction $E_{\gamma}$, MeV $T_2$, MeV $\gamma$ + d --> $\Theta ^+$ + $\Lambda$ 1687 907 $\gamma$ + d --> $\Theta ^+$ + $\Lambda$ 1181 400 $\gamma$ + $^{120}$Sn --> $^{119}A_2^*$+$\Lambda$ 1675 987 $\gamma$ + $^{120}$Sn --> $^{119}A_2^*$+$^3_1H^{\Lambda}$ 934 142 Processes of complex nuclear disintegrations may be closely connected with the formation of narrow highly excited states in heavy nuclei because of similar recoil-free kinematics [3]. References 1. K.Suzuki et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 92 (2004) 072302. 2. A.Gal and E.Friedman, Phys. Rev. Lett. 94 (2005) 072301. 3. L.N.Andronenko et al., Phys. Atom. Nucl. 65 (2002) 478.