The First UCN Factory Workshop - CONCLUSION


 1. Ultracold neutrons are a unique tool in investigations of fundamental laws of nuclear and particle physics, and bear promising potential for applications in the other fields. Present and planned future experiments, which are of utmost importance for particle physics (e.g. (electric dipole moment and lifetime of the neutron)) are limited by the counting statistics. Substantial increase in neutron density is imperative for further progress in this field.

2. The First UCN-Factory Workshop has taken place 18-22 January '98 in Pushkin - St. Petersburg, Russia, gathering a collection of world experts in this field. The aim of this meeting was to discuss an approach, which has been proposed recently (A.Serebrov et al. Pis’ma Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz. (JETP lett) 66, 765-770 or preprint PNPI 2206, 1997), to increase the density of ultracold neutrons by 2-3 orders of magnitude with respect to the sources operating at present. Also, state of the art of planned experiments with UCN's was thoroughly discussed. The scientific level of the workshop was very high, to a great extent due to very solid preparation of the discussed subject by scientists from the PNPI - Gatchina. The new idea, which combines SD method of production of UCN's (developed through the recent years at the Gatchina reactor) with powerful spallation sources coming into operation in few centers worldwide is so promising, that it calls for further development and quick experimental verification of the method. Such an effort must be done at the international level. The most effective approach is to propose series of test experiments at PNPI under a leadership of prof. A. Serebrov with strong contributions from all involved parties. A flexible apparatus, open for modifications is recommended.

3.Test experiment program proposed by PNPI was approved by workshop participants. Scientists from LANL (USA), PSI (Switzerland), JINR, IAE (Russia), ILL (France) and TUM (Germany) have expressed their intention to participate in a R&D program, which would eventually lead to a technical realization of the UCN Factory in one or more accelerator centers with the high intensity, intermediate energy proton beams. The interested scientists intend further development of the idea at their home institution, including assessment of financing sources and available man power to start the test experiment at PNPI as soon as possible. A technical meeting with a goal to found the collaboration could be then called as early as in June '98.

4.Further workshops which will report progress of research on UCN Factory and elaborate a detailed scientific program for such a facility would then follow in 1-2 year time scale. The second UCN Factory Workshop is proposed to held in Pushkin, June ’99.

5. In conclusion, participants of the workshop call leaders responsible for the science policies in their laboratories for attention and support for the newest developments in the field of ultracold neutrons. Appropriate steps should be taken, which may lead ultimately to a construction of the new high density source, the UCN Factories.

6.Text of this conclusion was discussed on the summary session and coordinate with workshop participants.