The First UCN Factory Workshop - RESULTS


  1. Idea of UCN Factory
  2. Experimental gain factor for SD2 ~1200
  3. Calculations: possible UCN density is about 104 cm-3
  4. Two possible places for realization of UCN Factory idea: LANL, PSI
  5. It was decided to organize collaboration for test UCN Factory Experiment


What has been happening after the workshop.

1. Meeting at PSI (May 1998), where the future plans for UCN Factory at PSI were approved,
2. Proposal for FRM-2 (July 1998) of SD2 CN and UCN source.
3. Experiment with SD2 at LANL (Sept. 1998).
4.Workshop at ILL (Oct. 1998), where main ideas of UCN Factory were discussed again
5. Experiment at PNPI with D2O (4K) UCN source (Dec. 1998, first run: Apr. 1999, second run).
6.Detailed calculations for UCN Factory schemes at PNPI

At last The Second UCN Workshop
in Pushkin, June 1999.