Physics topics of the Conference include:
- perturbative QCD, DGLAP- and BFKL-evolutions
- polarized and nonpolarized parton distribution functions
- Pomeron, hard diffraction and small-x physics
- heavy-ion collisions, quark-gluon matter
- nonperturbative QCD, lattice computations, chiral model of hadrons
- hadron spectroscopy, exotic states
- precision tests of the Standard Model, extensions of the Standard Model
- physics of the LHC and future colliders
- neutrino physics
Deadline for registration: May 25, 2016. Extended: June 3.
Deadline for abstracts: May 30, 2016
Deadline for proceedings contributions: August 1, 2016. Extended: September 30.
Organized by:
St. Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute NRC KI
St. Petersburg State University
Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
V.A. Fock Institute of Physics of SPbSU
Institute of Physics of Slovak Academy of Sciences
Comenius University
Partners and Sponsors:
