St. Petersburg, Repino, Russia, 18-22 May 2004
Wednesday, May 19 | ||
Plenary session (Conference hall) |
09:30 25'+5' | Ch. Zeitnitz (Mainz Univ.) (pdf) New Run II results from the D0 Experiment at the Tevatron |
10:00 25'+5' | A. Mastroberardino (Calabria Univ.) Diffraction at HERA (ppt) |
10:30 25'+5' | P.E. Schlein (UCLA) The structure of Pomeron and single-Pomeron exchange reactions: from SppS to LHC (ppt) |
11:00 - 11:30 | Coffee-break | |
11:30 25'+5' | V.A. Khoze (Durham Univ. & PNPI) Higgs ang SUSY production in diffractive processes at the LHC |
12:00 25'+5' | V.S. Fadin (Budker INP) Gluon Reggeization in QCD |
12:30 25'+5' | J. Bartels (Hamburg Univ.) New results on the BK equation |
13:00 - 14:30 | Lunch | |
Plenary session (Conference hall) |
14:30 15'+5' | M. Lublinsky (DESY) Low-x evolution beyond the Balitsky-Kovchegov equation (pdf) |
14:50 15'+5' | M.G. Ryskin (PNPI) K_T distribution in resummed NLL BFKL |
15:10 15'+5' | M.G. Ryskin (PNPI) Pomeron-like sea quarks but valence-like gluons at small x and low scale ? |
15:30 15'+5' | A.L. Kataev (INR) The Gottfried versus Adler sum rules of DIS within large N_c limit. |
15:50 15'+5' | V.T. Kim (PNPI) BFKL for heavy quark production in gamma-gamma collisions (ppt) |
16:10 15'+5' | A.V Kotikov (JINR) Anomalous dimensions of Wilson operators in N=4 SUSY |
16:30 - 17:00 | Coffee-break | |
Parallel session A (conference hall) |
Parallel session B (small hall) |
17:00 15'+5' | A.G. Shuvaev (PNPI) Double logarithmic DGLAP-equation for twist-3 quasipartonic operators |
Ya.M. Shnir (Oldenburg Univ.) Massive and massless non-BPS SU(3) monopoles |
17:20 15'+5' | A.V. Sidorov (JINR) (pdf) The role of higher twists in determing polarized parton densities in the nucleon |
V.V. Vereschagin (St.Petersburg State Univ.) Renormalization programme for effective theories |
17:40 15'+5' | B.I. Ermolaev (Ioffe FTI) Spin-dependent structure function g_1 at small x |
A.V. Vereschagin (St.Petersburg State Univ. & Bergen Univ.) Explicit equations for renormalization prescriptions in the case of pion-nucleon scattering |
18:00 15'+5' | V.A. Saleev (Samara State Univ.)
Fusion and fragmentation mechanisms of J/psi production in k_T-factorization approach |
K.M. Semenov-Tian-Shansky (St.Petersburg State Univ.) Renormalization in effective theories: prescriptions for kaon-nucleon resonance parameters |
18:20 15'+5' | J. Alwall (Uppsala Univ.) Sea quark asymmetries in the nucleon - a physical model for parton distributions in hadrons |
V.A. Kudryavtsev (PNPI) (pdf) Critical composite superstring for hadrons |
18:40 15'+5' | V.I. Kuvshinov (IP, Minsk) (pdf) Quark fidelity and Wilson loop in confinement region |
19:00 - 20:00 | Dinner |
Thursday, May 20 | ||
Plenary session (Conference hall) |
09:30 25'+5' | Ch. Ktorides (Athens
Univ.) Evidence for a tachyonic ghost state contribution to the gluon propagator in high energy, forward quark-quark scattering |
10:00 25'+5' | H.K. Sazdjian (Univ. Paris VI, Orsay) Quarkonium bound state equation in the Wilson loop approach |
10:30 25'+5' | A.V. Kotikov (JINR) About the recent calculations of the NNLO anomalous dimensions in QCD |
11:00 - 11:30 | Coffee-break | |
11:30 25'+5' | A.A.Pivovarov (INR) B0-antiB0 mixing beyond factorization |
12:00 25'+5' | N.N. Nikolaev (Juelich & Landau ITP) (pdf) K-factorization in the regime of nuclear saturation |
12:30 25'+5' | F. Bopp (Siegen Univ.) (pdf) RHIC data and multichain Monte Carlo DPMJET III |
13:00 - 14:00 | Lunch | |
14:00 - 23:00 | Excursions | |
19:00 - 20:00 | Dinner |
Friday, May 21 | ||
Plenary session (Conference hall) |
09:30 25'+5' | E. Klempt (Bonn Univ.) (pdf) Glueballs, hybrids, pentaquarks |
10:00 25'+5' | V.Yu. Petrov (PNPI) Structure of light pentaquarks |
10:30 25'+5' | M.A. Kubantsev (Northwestern Univ.) Observations of pentaquark: a review - part I (ppt) |
11:00 - 11:30 | Coffee-break | |
11:30 25'+5' | M.A. Kubantsev (Northwestern Univ.) Observations of pentaquark: a review - part II (ppt) |
12:00 25'+5' | G. Buschhorn (MPI, Munich) Pentaquarks, charm and beauty - recent results from H1 at HERA |
12:30 25'+5' | A. Hyarapetian (Michigan Univ.) The pentaquark search at HERMES |
13:00 - 14:30 | Lunch | Plenary session (Conference hall) |
14:30 15'+5' | V.V. Popov (Skobeltsyn INP, Moscow State Univ.) (ppt) Observation of narrow exotic baryon resonance by the SVD-2 experiment in pA interactions at 70 GeV/c |
14:50 15'+5' | M.V. Polyakov (PNPI & Liege Univ.) Nonstrange partners of Theta pentaquark |
15:10 15'+5' | I.M. Narodetskii (ITEP) Pentaquark: facts and puzzles |
15:30 15'+5' | L.G. Dakhno (PNPI) (pdf)
The riddle of f_0(980): is it the quark-antiquark state? |
15:50 15'+5' | N.G. Stefanis (Ruhr-Univ. Bochum) Pion structure: from nonlocal condensates to NLO analytic perturbation theory |
16:10 15'+5' | A.A. Andrianov (St.Petersburg State Univ.) Stringification of chiral lagrangians |
16:30 - 17:00 | Coffee-break | |
Parallel session A (conference hall) |
Parallel session B (small hall) |
17:00 15'+5' | V.A. Schegelsky (PNPI) (ps.gz) The observation of the second nonet of tensor mesons with the L3 experiment |
S.S. Afonin (St.Petersburg State Univ.) Matching Regge theory to the OPE |
17:20 15'+5' | V.A. Schegelsky (PNPI) (ps.gz) The resonant contribution of states with I=2 to the cross section of 4-pion production in gamma-gamma collisions (L3 experiment) |
A.E. Dorokhov (Bogolyubov LTP, JINR) Vector and axial-vector correlators in the nonlocal chiral quark model |
17:40 15'+5' | O.G. Grebenyuk (PNPI) (ps.gz) Lambda and other hyperons in HERMES |
E.A. Kuraev (JINR) Feynman rules for effective Regge theory |
18:00 15'+5' | A.A. Rostovtsev (ITEP) (ppt) Universalities in hadron production and the maximum entropy principle |
V.S. Zamiralov (Skobeltsyn INP, Moscow State Univ.) Intercrossed relations between the QCD sum rules for sigma- and lambda-hyperons |
18:20 15'+5' | V.K. Henner (Perm State Univ.) Application of wavelet analysis to the spectrum of light vector and scalar mesons |
18:40 15'+5' | . |
19:30 | Music Concert | |
20:30 | Workshop Dinner |
Saturday, May 22 | ||
Plenary session (Conference hall) |
09:30 50'+10' | A.D. Martin (Durham Univ.) (ppt) Workshop Summary |
10:30 | Workshop Closing |