St. Petersburg, Repino, Russia, 18-22 May 2004

Hadron Structure and QCD:   from LOW to HIGH energies


General information

Bulletin #1

Bulletin #2

Scientific Program


Visa information

Conference fee

List of Participants



Social Program



Poster of HSQCD 2004 (230Kb PDF file)

Past workshops

HSQCD 2004

HSQCD 2005


HSQCD 2008

Workshop program

Tuesday, May 18
14:15 Workshop Opening
Plenary session
(Conference hall)
14:30 25'+5' D.E. Schildknecht (Bielefeld Univ.)
DIS at low X - phenomenological aspects
15:00 25'+5' A.A. Rostovtsev (ITEP)
DIS structure functions at HERA (ppt)
15:30 25'+5' A. Savin (Wisconsin Univ.)
Jets at HERA (ppt)
16:00 25'+5' M. Amarian (DESY)
Spin physics overview (pdf)
16:30 - 17:00 Coffee-break
17:00 25'+5' W.W. Ochs (MPI, Munich)
QCD evolution of hadron and jet multiplicity moments
17:30 25'+5' E.M. Levin (Tel Aviv Univ.)
Iancu-Mueller factorization and high energy scattering (pdf)
18:00 25'+5' L.N. Lipatov (PNPI)
The QCD Pomeron in a thermostate (pdf)
20:00 Welcome Party

Wednesday, May 19
Plenary session
(Conference hall)
09:30 25'+5' Ch. Zeitnitz (Mainz Univ.) (pdf)
New Run II results from the D0 Experiment at the Tevatron
10:00 25'+5' A. Mastroberardino (Calabria Univ.)
Diffraction at HERA (ppt)
10:30 25'+5' P.E. Schlein (UCLA)
The structure of Pomeron and single-Pomeron exchange reactions: from SppS to LHC (ppt)
11:00 - 11:30 Coffee-break
11:30 25'+5' V.A. Khoze (Durham Univ. & PNPI)
Higgs ang SUSY production in diffractive processes at the LHC
12:00 25'+5'
V.S. Fadin (Budker INP)
Gluon Reggeization in QCD
12:30 25'+5' J. Bartels (Hamburg Univ.)
New results on the BK equation
13:00 - 14:30 Lunch
Plenary session
(Conference hall)
14:30 15'+5' M. Lublinsky (DESY)
Low-x evolution beyond the Balitsky-Kovchegov equation (pdf)
14:50 15'+5' M.G. Ryskin (PNPI)
K_T distribution in resummed NLL BFKL
15:10 15'+5'
M.G. Ryskin (PNPI)
Pomeron-like sea quarks but valence-like gluons at small x and low scale ?
15:30 15'+5' A.L. Kataev (INR)
The Gottfried versus Adler sum rules of DIS within large N_c limit.
15:50 15'+5' V.T. Kim (PNPI)
BFKL for heavy quark production in gamma-gamma collisions (ppt)
16:10 15'+5' A.V Kotikov (JINR)
Anomalous dimensions of Wilson operators in N=4 SUSY
16:30 - 17:00 Coffee-break
Parallel session A
(conference hall)
Parallel session B
(small hall)
17:00 15'+5' A.G. Shuvaev (PNPI)
Double logarithmic DGLAP-equation for twist-3 quasipartonic operators
Ya.M. Shnir (Oldenburg Univ.)
Massive and massless non-BPS SU(3) monopoles
17:20 15'+5' A.V. Sidorov (JINR) (pdf)
The role of higher twists in determing polarized parton densities in the nucleon
V.V. Vereschagin (St.Petersburg State Univ.)
Renormalization programme for effective theories
17:40 15'+5' B.I. Ermolaev (Ioffe FTI)
Spin-dependent structure function g_1 at small x
A.V. Vereschagin (St.Petersburg State Univ. & Bergen Univ.)
Explicit equations for renormalization prescriptions in the case of pion-nucleon scattering
18:00 15'+5' V.A. Saleev (Samara State Univ.)
Fusion and fragmentation mechanisms of J/psi production in k_T-factorization approach
K.M. Semenov-Tian-Shansky (St.Petersburg State Univ.)
Renormalization in effective theories: prescriptions for kaon-nucleon resonance parameters
18:20 15'+5' J. Alwall (Uppsala Univ.)
Sea quark asymmetries in the nucleon - a physical model for parton distributions in hadrons
V.A. Kudryavtsev (PNPI) (pdf)
Critical composite superstring for hadrons
18:40 15'+5' V.I. Kuvshinov (IP, Minsk) (pdf)
Quark fidelity and Wilson loop in confinement region
19:00 - 20:00 Dinner

Thursday, May 20
Plenary session
(Conference hall)
09:30 25'+5' Ch. Ktorides (Athens Univ.)
Evidence for a tachyonic ghost state contribution to the gluon propagator in high energy, forward quark-quark scattering
10:00 25'+5' H.K. Sazdjian (Univ. Paris VI, Orsay)
Quarkonium bound state equation in the Wilson loop approach
10:30 25'+5' A.V. Kotikov (JINR)
About the recent calculations of the NNLO anomalous dimensions in QCD
11:00 - 11:30 Coffee-break
11:30 25'+5' A.A.Pivovarov (INR)
B0-antiB0 mixing beyond factorization
12:00 25'+5' N.N. Nikolaev (Juelich & Landau ITP) (pdf)
K-factorization in the regime of nuclear saturation
12:30 25'+5' F. Bopp (Siegen Univ.) (pdf)
RHIC data and multichain Monte Carlo DPMJET III
13:00 - 14:00 Lunch
14:00 - 23:00 Excursions
19:00 - 20:00 Dinner

Friday, May 21
Plenary session
(Conference hall)
09:30 25'+5' E. Klempt (Bonn Univ.) (pdf)
Glueballs, hybrids, pentaquarks
10:00 25'+5' V.Yu. Petrov (PNPI)
Structure of light pentaquarks
10:30 25'+5' M.A. Kubantsev (Northwestern Univ.)
Observations of pentaquark: a review - part I (ppt)
11:00 - 11:30 Coffee-break
11:30 25'+5' M.A. Kubantsev (Northwestern Univ.)
Observations of pentaquark: a review - part II (ppt)
12:00 25'+5' G. Buschhorn (MPI, Munich)
Pentaquarks, charm and beauty - recent results from H1 at HERA
12:30 25'+5' A. Hyarapetian (Michigan Univ.)
The pentaquark search at HERMES
13:00 - 14:30 Lunch
Plenary session
(Conference hall)
14:30 15'+5' V.V. Popov (Skobeltsyn INP, Moscow State Univ.) (ppt)
Observation of narrow exotic baryon resonance by the SVD-2 experiment in pA interactions at 70 GeV/c
14:50 15'+5' M.V. Polyakov (PNPI & Liege Univ.)
Nonstrange partners of Theta pentaquark
15:10 15'+5' I.M. Narodetskii (ITEP)
Pentaquark: facts and puzzles
15:30 15'+5' L.G. Dakhno (PNPI) (pdf)
The riddle of f_0(980): is it the quark-antiquark state?
15:50 15'+5' N.G. Stefanis (Ruhr-Univ. Bochum)
Pion structure: from nonlocal condensates to NLO analytic perturbation theory
16:10 15'+5' A.A. Andrianov (St.Petersburg State Univ.)
Stringification of chiral lagrangians
16:30 - 17:00 Coffee-break
  Parallel session A
(conference hall)
Parallel session B
(small hall)
17:00 15'+5' V.A. Schegelsky (PNPI) (ps.gz)
The observation of the second nonet of tensor mesons with the L3 experiment
S.S. Afonin (St.Petersburg State Univ.)
Matching Regge theory to the OPE
17:20 15'+5' V.A. Schegelsky (PNPI) (ps.gz)
The resonant contribution of states with I=2 to the cross section of 4-pion production in gamma-gamma collisions (L3 experiment)
A.E. Dorokhov (Bogolyubov LTP, JINR)
Vector and axial-vector correlators in the nonlocal chiral quark model
17:40 15'+5' O.G. Grebenyuk (PNPI) (ps.gz)
Lambda and other hyperons in HERMES
E.A. Kuraev (JINR)
Feynman rules for effective Regge theory
18:00 15'+5' A.A. Rostovtsev (ITEP) (ppt)
Universalities in hadron production and the maximum entropy principle
V.S. Zamiralov (Skobeltsyn INP, Moscow State Univ.)
Intercrossed relations between the QCD sum rules for sigma- and lambda-hyperons
18:20 15'+5'   V.K. Henner (Perm State Univ.)
Application of wavelet analysis to the spectrum of light vector and scalar mesons
18:40 15'+5'    
19:30 Music Concert
20:30 Workshop Dinner

Saturday, May 22
Plenary session
(Conference hall)
09:30 50'+10' A.D. Martin (Durham Univ.) (ppt)
Workshop Summary
10:30 Workshop Closing