St. Petersburg, Russia, 20-24 September 2005

Hadron Structure and QCD:   from LOW to HIGH energies


General information

Bulletin #1

Bulletin #2

Scientific Program


Visa information

Conference fee

List of Participants



Social Program



Poster of HSQCD 2005


Past workshops

HSQCD 2004

HSQCD 2005


HSQCD 2008

The physics topics of the workshop include:

  • perturbative QCD, BFKL- and DGLAP- evolution equations, polarized & nonpolarized parton distribution functions, small-x physics
  • hard diffraction and Pomeron physics
  • heavy ion collisions, quark-gluon plasma
  • nonperturbative QCD, lattice computations, chiral model of hadrons
  • hadron spectroscopy, exotic states: pentaquark, glueball, etc.
  • precision tests of Standard Model, extensions of Standard Model
A special session will be dedicated to the 30-anniversary of the BFKL equation.

International Advisory Committee:

Guido Altarelli (CERN, Geneva)
Jochen Bartels (Hamburg U., Hamburg)
James D. Bjorken (SLAC, Stanford)
Stanley J. Brodsky (SLAC, Stanford)
Frank E. Close (Oxford U., Oxford)
Dmitri I. Diakonov (PNPI, Gatchina & Nordita, Copenhagen)
Yuri L. Dokshitzer (Paris U. VI, Orsay & PNPI, Gatchina)
Igor M. Dremin (LPI, Moscow)
Anatoly V. Efremov (JINR, Dubna)
John R. Ellis (CERN, Geneva)
Victor S. Fadin (INP, Novosibirsk)
Leonid L. Frankfurt (Tel Aviv U., Tel Aviv)
Konstantin Goulianos (Rockfeller U., New York)
Boris L. Ioffe (ITEP, Moscow)
Alexei B. Kaidalov (ITEP, Moscow)
Dmitri I. Kazakov (JINR, Dubna & ITEP, Moscow)

Max Klein (DESY, Zeuthen)
Eugene M. Levin (Tel Aviv U., Tel Aviv)
Lev N. Lipatov (PNPI, Gatchina)
Giuseppe Marchesini (Milan U., Milan)
Larry D. McLerran (BNL, New York)
Alfred H. Mueller (Columbia U., New York)
Nikolai N. Nikolaev (ITP, Chernogolovka & Juelich)
Yuri V. Novozhilov (SPSU, St. Petersburg)
Anatoly V. Radyushkin (JLAB, Newport News & JINR, Dubna)
Valery A. Rubakov (INR, Moscow)
Mikhail G. Ryskin (PNPI, Gatchina)
Mikhail A. Shifman (Minnesota U., Minneapolis)
Peter E. Schlein (UCLA, Los Angeles)
W. James Stirling (Durham U., Durham)
Albrecht Wagner (DESY, Hamburg)
Alan R. White (ANL, Argonne)

Local Organizing Committee:

Alexander A. Andrianov
Vladimir A. Andrianov
Vladimir V. Anisovich
Stanislav L. Belostotsky
Alexander A. Beresnev
Tatiana P. Bondarenko
Mikhail A. Braun
Dmitri I. Diakonov
Victor A. Gordeev (Co-Chair)
Vladimir V.Gugneshov
Victor T. Kim
Lyudmila A. Kolesnikova

Lev N. Lipatov (Chair)
Vladimir A. Nazarenko
Natalia V.Nikitina
Victor Yu. Petrov
Mikhail G. Ryskin
Vladimir M. Samsonov
Galina V. Stepanova
Eduard A. Tropp
Sergei I. Troyan
Vitaly N. Velizhanin
Alexei A. Vorobyov

Organized by:

Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences

St. Petersburg State University

V.A.Fock Institute of Physics

St. Petersburg Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Sciences
