CV and Resume

       Publications and Conferences


  1. Pion inclusive production from nuclei by intermediate energy protons.
    V.V.Abaev, A.B.Gridnev.
    Preprint LNPI-380, p.19, 1977.


  2. Phase shift analysis of pion-nucleon scattering in the region of P33, P11, S11, D13 resonances.
    V.V.Abaev, S.P.Kruglov, Yu.A.Malov.
    Preprint LNPI-438, p.35, 1978.


  3. Phase shift analysis of pion-nucleon scattering in the region of P33, P11, S11, D13 resonances.
    V.V.Abaev, S.P.Kruglov, Yu.A.Malov.
    Contr. 1A17 to the 8-th Int. Conf. on High Energy Physics and Nuclear Structure, Vancouver, Canada, 1979.


  4. Differential cross sections for pion production at 0o from proton-proton and proton-deutron collisions at 1 GeV.
    V.V.Abaev, A.B.Gridnev, V.P.Koptev, S.P.Kruglov, Yu.A.Malov, I.I.Strakovsky, G.V.Scherbakov.
    Preprint LNPI-569, p.32, 1980.


  5. Measurement of the polarization parameter P in p+p elastic scattering in the region of low-lying pion-nucleon resonances.
    V.V.Abaev, V.S.Bekrenev, Yu.A.Beloglazov, V.G.Gaditsky, A.I.Kovalev, S.P.Kruglov, A.A.Kulbardis, I.V.Lopatin, A.N.Prokofiev, V.V.Sumachev, V.Yu.Trautman, E.P.Fedorova-Koval, E.A.Filimonov, A.V.Shvedchikov.
    Preprint LNPI-824, p.21, 1983.
  6. Measurement of the polarization parameter P in p+p elastic scattering in the region of low-lying pion-nucleon resonances.
    V.V.Abaev, V.S.Bekrenev, Yu.A.Beloglazov,V.G.Gaditsky, A.I.Kovalev, S.P.Kruglov, A.A.Kulbardis, I.V.Lopatin, A.N.Prokofiev, V.V.Sumachev, V.Yu.Trautman, E.P.Fedorova-Koval, E.A.Filimonov, A.V.Shvedchikov.
    Z. Phys. A - Atoms and Nuclei 311, p.217-223, 1983.


  7. Phase shift analysis of p+p scattering in the region 194-600 MeV.
    V.V.Abaev, S.P.Kruglov, F.Nichitiu.
    Preprint LNPI-946, p.36, 1984.
  8. Phase shift analysis of p+p elastic scattering at 16 energies in the region of 194-600 MeV.
    V.V.Abaev, S.P.Kruglov, F.Nichitiu.
    2-nd Symposium on Nucleon-Nucleon and Hadron-Nuclei Interactions at Intermediate Energies, LNPI, Leningrad, p.162-168, 1984.
  9. Pion production in 1 GeV PP and PD interactions at the angles 0o and 60o.
    V.V.Abaev, A.B.Gridnev, V.P.Koptev, S.P.Kruglov, Yu.A.Malov, I.I.Strakovsky, G.V.Scherbakov.
    2-nd Symposium on Nucleon-Nucleon and Hadron-Nuclei Interactions at Intermediate Energies, LNPI, Leningrad, p.77-87, 1984.
  10. Phase shift analysis of p+p in the energy region from 194 to 600 MeV.
    V.V.Abaev, S.P.Kruglov, F.Nichitiu.
    Book of abstracts of the 10-th Int. Conf. Particles and Nuclei, Heidelberg, Vol.1, p.E11, 1984.
  11. Investigation of pN elastic scattering in the region of low-lying pN resonances.
    V.V.Abaev, V.S.Bekrenev, S.P.Kruglov, I.V.Lopatin, V.V.Sumachev, E.A.Filimonov.
    Book of abstracts of the 10-th Int. Conf. Particles and Nuclei, Heidelberg, Vol.1, p.E12, 1984.
  12. p+ production in 1 GeV proton-nucleus collisions at the angle 60o.
    V.V.Abaev, A.B.Gridnev, V.P.Koptev, S.P.Kruglov, Yu.A.Malov, I.I.Strakovsky, G.V.Scherbakov.
    Preprint LNPI-1009, p.25, 1984.


  13. Phase shift analysis of p+p scattering in the energy region from 194 to 600 MeV.
    V.V.Abaev, S.P.Kruglov, F.Nichitiu.
    Z. Phys. A - Atoms and Nuclei 322, No.4, p.603-610, 1985.


  14. Pion production in nucleon-nucleon collisions in the one pion exchange model from the threshold up to 1 GeV.
    V.V.Abaev, V.P.Koptev.
    3-d Symposium on Nucleon-nucleon and hadron-nuclei interactions at intermediate energies, LNPI, Leningrad, 21-23 April, 1986.
  15. The narrow low-mass dibaryons and the possible existens of a new stable baryon.
    V.V.Abaev, V.P.Koptev, F.Nichitiu.
    JINR rapid communications, No.16-86, Dubna, p.42-49, 1986.


  16. Measurement of narrow dibaryon resonances with the isospin T=2.
    V.V.Abaev, S.G.Barsov, A.B.Gridnev, V.P.Koptev, S.M.Mikirtychyants, G.V.Scherbakov.
    Preprint LNPI-1318, p.19, 1987.
  17. Inclusive pion production at the angles 0o and 57.8o in 1 GeV proton-nucleus collisions.
    V.V.Abaev, E.P.Fedorova-Koval, A.B.Gridnev, V.P.Koptev, S.P.Kruglov, Yu.A.Malov, G.V.Scherbakov, I.I.Strakovsky, N.A.Tarasov.
    Contribution b-52 to the 11-th Int. Conference on Particles and Nuclei, Abstract Book 1, Kyoto, Japan, p.204, 1987.


  18. Investigation of pion-nucleon scattering at LNPI.
    V.V.Abaev, V.S.Bekrenev, Yu.A.Beloglazov, A.I.Kovalev, S.P.Kruglov, A.A.Kulbardis, I.V.Lopatin, V.V.Sumachev, V.Yu.Trautman, E.P.Fedorova-Koval, E.A.Filimonov.
    Proceedings "Physics with Light Meson and the 2-nd Int. Workshop on pN Physics", Los-Alamos, (14-15 August, 1987), p.213, 1988.
  19. Inclusive pion production at the angles 0o and 57.8o in 1 GeV proton-nucleus collisions.
    V.V.Abaev, E.P.Fedorova-Koval, A.B.Gridnev, V.P.Koptev, S.P.Kruglov, Yu.A.Malov, G.V.Sherbakov, I.I.Strakovsky, N.A.Tarasov.
    J. Phys. G:Nucl.Phys., G14, p.903-929, 1988.
  20. Measurement of the spin rotation parameters R and A in p-p elastic scattering at 450 and 560 MeV.
    V.V.Abaev, N.A.Bazhanov, V.S.Bekrenev, Yu.A.Beloglazov, A.I.Kovalev, N.G.Kozlenko, S.P.Kruglov, A.A.Kulbardis, V.V.Polyakov, V.V.Sumachev, I.I.Tkach, V.Yu.Trautman, E.P.Fedorova-Koval, E.A.Filimonov, A.V.Shvedchikov.
    Yad. Phys. 48, 5(11), p.1338-1348, 1988.


  21. Measurement of the spin rotation parameters R and A in p-p elastic scattering in the region of pion-nucleon resonances.
    V.V.Abaev, N.A.Bazhanov, V.S.Bekrenev, Yu.A.Beloglazov, E.P.Fedorova-Koval, E.A.Filimonov, A.I.Kovalev, N.G.Kozlenko, S.P.Kruglov, A.A.Kulbardis, I.V.Lopatin, V.V.Polyakov, A.V.Shvedchikov, V.V.Sumachev, I.I.Tkach, V.Yu.Trautman.
    Proceedings of the 8-th Int. Symposium on High Energy Spin Physics, (12-17 September, 1988), Minneapolis, M.N.,USA, American Institute of Physics, Conference Proceedings No.187, Particles and Fields Series 37, New York, Vol.1, p.676-680, 1989.
  22. Measurements of the spin rotation parameters R and A in pp elastic scattering in the region of low-lying pion-nucleon resonances.
    V.V.Abaev, N.A.Bazhanov, V.S.Bekrenev, Yu.A.Beloglazov, E.P.Fedorova-Koval, E.A.Filimonov, A.I.Kovalev, N.G.Kozlenko, S.P.Kruglov, A.A.Kulbardis, I.V.Lopatin, V.V.Polyakov, A.V.Shvedchikov, V.V.Sumachev, I.I.Tkach, V.Yu.Trautman.
    Contributed Papers from 12-th Int. Conference on Few Body Problems in Physics, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, 2-8 July, p.E2, 1989.
  23. Charge splitting of the P33 amplitude in pN scattering.
    3-d International Symposium on "Pion-Nucleon and Nucleon-Nucleon Physics", Gatchina, 17-22 April, p.147-149, 1989.
  24. Measurements of the spin rotation parameters R and A in pp elastic scattering in the region of low-lying pion-nucleon resonances.
    V.V.Abaev, N.A.Bazhanov, V.S.Bekrenev, Yu.A.Beloglazov, A.I.Kovalev, N.G.Kozlenko, S.P.Kruglov, A.A.Kulbardis, I.V.Lopatin, V.V.Polyakov, V.V.Sumachev, I.I.Tkach, V.Yu.Trautman, E.P.Fedorova-Koval, E.A.Filimonov, A.V.Shvedchikov.
    3-d International Symposium on "Pion-Nucleon and Nucleon-Nucleon Physics", Gathina, 17-22 April, p.173-178, 1989.


  25. Measurement of the spin rotation parameters R and A in pp elastic scattering in the energy range from 450 to 600 MeV.
    V.V.Abaev, N.A.Bazhanov, V.S.Bekrenev, Yu.A.Beloglazov, E.P.Fedorova-Koval, E.A.Filimonov, A.I.Kovalev, N.G.Kozlenko, S.P.Kruglov, A.A.Kulbardis, L.V.Lapochkina, I.V.Lopatin, V.V.Polyakov, A.V.Shvedchikov, V.V.Sumachev, I.I.Tkach, V.Yu.Trautman.
    Book of abstract of the 7-th Int. Conference on Polarization Phenomena in Nuclear Physics., Paris, July 9-13, p.33A, 1990.
  26. Experimental project on the measurement of spin-rotation parameters R and A in elastic pp scattering in energy range 1000-2000 MeV.
    V.V.Abaev, V.S.Bekrenev, Yu.A.Beloglazov, A.I.Kovalev, N.G.Kozlenko, S.P.Kruglov, A.A.Kulbardis, L.V.Lapochkina, I.V.Lopatin, V.V.Sumachev, V.Yu.Trautman, E.A.Filimonov, I.G.Alekseev, P.E.Budkovsky, V.P.Kanavets, L.I.Koroleva, I.I.Levintov, V.I.Martynov, B.V.Moroz, V.M.Nesterov, V.V.Platonov, V.V.Ryltsov, V.A.Sakharov, D.N.Svirida, A.V.Soskov, A.D.Sulimov.
    Preprint ITEP-34, p.37, 1990.


  27. Measurement of the spin rotation parameters R and A in p-p elastic scatering in the energy range from 450 to 600 MeV.
    V.V.Abaev, N.A.Bazhanov, V.S.Bekrenev, Yu.A.Beloglazov, E.P.Fedorova-Koval, E.A.Filimonov, A.I.Kovalev, N.G.Kozlenko, S.P.Kruglov, A.A.Kulbardis, L.V.Lapochkina, I.V.Lopatin, V.V.Polyakov, A.V.Shvedchikov, V.V.Sumachev, I.I.Tkach, V.Yu.Trautman.
    Proceedings of the 9-th Int. Symposium on High Energy Spin Physics, (6-15 September, 1990), Bonn, Germany, Springer-Verlag, Vol.1, p.499, 1991.
  28. Measurement of the spin rotation parameters R and A -the key experiment in the investigation of pp scattering.
    V.V.Abaev, N.A.Bazhanov, V.S.Bekrenev, Yu.A.Beloglazov, E.P.Fedorova-Koval, E.A.Filimonov, A.I.Kovalev, N.G.Kozlenko, S.P.Kruglov, A.A.Kulbardis, L.V.Lapochkina, I.V.Lopatin, V.V.Polyakov, A.V.Shvedchikov, V.V.Sumachev, I.I.Tkach, V.Yu.Trautman.
    Proceedings of the 4-th Int. Symposium on Pion-Nucleon Physics and the Structure of the Nucleon, 9-13 September, Bad Honnef, Germany, pN Newsletters, No.3, p.53-61, 1991.
  29. The measurement of the spin rotation parameters A and R in pp elastic scattering in the energy region (1-2) GeV - motivation and experiment status.
    V.V.Abaev, N.A.Bazhanov, V.S.Bekrenev, Yu.A.Beloglazov, E.A.Filimonov, A.I.Kovalev, N.G.Kozlenko, S.P.Kruglov, A.A.Kulbardis, L.V.Lapochkina, I.V.Lopatin, V.V.Sumachev, V.Yu.Trautman, I.G.Alekseev, P.E.Budkovsky, V.P.Kanavets, L.I.Koroleva, I.I.Levintov, V.I.Martynov, B.V.Morozov, V.M.Nesterov, V.V.Platonov, V.V.Ryltsov, V.A.Sakharov, D.N.Svirida, A.V.Soskov, A.D.Sulimov.
    Proceedings of the 4-th Workshop on High Energy Spin Physics, 2-6 September, Protvino, p.317, 1991.
  30. Investigation of pion-nucleon scattering in LNPI.
    V.V.Abaev, N.A.Bazhanov, V.S.Bekrenev, Yu.A.Beloglazov, E.A.Filimonov, A.I.Kovalev, N.G.Kozlenko, S.P.Kruglov, A.A.Kulbardis, L.V.Lapochkina, I.V.Lopatin, V.V.Polyakov, V.A.Shchedrov, A.V.Shvedchikov, V.V.Sumachev, I.I.Tkach, V.Yu.Trautman.
    Proceedings of the 4-th Int. Symposium on Pion-Nucleon Physics and the Structure of the Nucleon, 9-13 September, Bad Honnef, Germany, pN Newsletter, No.4, p.14-34, 1991.
  31. A 0o facility for COSY.
    V.Borg, M.Buscher, D Gotta, D.Grzonka, R.Koch, W.Oelert, H.Ohm, O.W.B.Schult, H.Seyfarth, K.Sistemich, J.Ernst, F.Hinterberger, V.Koptev, V.Abaev, S.V.Dshemuchadze, V.I.Komarov, V.Lyachenko, F.Nichitiu, V.Travkin, B.Zh.Zalyhanov, N.I.Zhuravlev, H.Muller, P.Birien, H.Dombrowski, R.Santo, L.Jarczyk, B.Kamys, St.Kistryn, A.Kozela, J.Smyrski, A.Strzalkowski.
    IKP Annual Report 1990, KFA, Julich, Germany, p.220-222, 1991.
  32. Study of the Subthreshold K+ Production with 0o Facility at TP2 in COSY.
    V.Borg, M.Buscher, D Gotta, D.Grzonka, R.Koch, W.Oelert, H.Ohm, O.W.B.Schult, H.Seyfarth, K.Sistemich, K.H.Watzlawik, J.Ernst, F.Hinterberger, L.Jarczyk, B.Kamys, St.Kistryn, A.Kozela, J.Smyrski, A.Strzalkowski, S.Dienels, K.W.Leege, H.Muller, Chr.Schneidereit, S.V.Dshemuchadze, V.I.Komarov, V.Lyachenko, F.Nichitiu, V.Travkin, B.Zh.Zalyhanov, N.I.Zhuravlev, V.Koptev, V.Abaev, P.Birien, W.Cassing, H.Dombrowski, R.Santo.
    COSY Proposal No.18, Julich, Germany, 1991.


  33. Phase shift analysis of pN scattering in the region 160-600 MeV.
    V.V.Abaev, S.P.Kruglov.
    Preprint PNPI-1794, p.43, 1992.
  34. Comments on "Determination of the pNN coupling constant from elastic pion-nucleon scattering data".
    J.Stahov, M.E.Sadler, V.V.Abaev.
    Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol.68, N4, p.548, 1992.
  35. Measurement of the spin rotation parameters R and A in p-p elastic scattering in the region of P11, D13, S11 resonances and in the near-threshold region of h-meson production.
    I.V.Lopatin, V.V.Abaev, N.A.Bazhanov, V.S.Bekrenev, Yu.A.Beloglazov, E.A.Filimonov, A.I.Kovalev, N.G.Kozlenko, S.P.Kruglov, A.A.Kulbardis, L.V.Lapochkina, V.V.Polyakov, V.A.Shchedrov, A.V.Shvedchikov, V.V.Sumachev, I.I.Tkach, V.Yu.Trautman.
    Preprint PNPI-1816, p.21, 1992.
  36. On the extraction of the pNN coupling constant from pion-nucleon scattering data.
    J.Stahov, M.E.Sadler, V.V.Abaev.
    Proceedings of the 4-th Int. Symposium on Pion-Nucleon Physics and the Structure of the Nucleon, (9-13 September, 1991), Bad Honnef, Germany, pN Newsletter, No.6, p.91, 1992.


  37. Phase Shift Analysis of pN Scattering in the region 160-600 MeV.
    V.V.Abaev, S.P.Kruglov.
    Proceedings of the 5-th Int. Symposium on Meson-Nucleon Physics and the Structure of the Nucleon, 6-10 September, Boulder, Colorado, pN Newsletter, Vol.2, No.9, p.101-107, 1993.
  38. Study of h production process p-p->hn in near-threshold region.
    I.V.Lopatin, V.V.Abaev, V.S.Bekrenev, E.A.Filimonov, A.B.Gridnev, M.P.Kan, N.G.Kozlenko, S.P.Kruglov, L.V.Lapochkina, A.Yu.Maijorov, A.B.Starostin, V.V.Sumachev, B.M.K.Nefkens, J.W.Price, D.B.White, R.M.Clajus, M.E.Sadler, L.D.Isenhower, S.E.Garner, J.R.Fillips, J.A.Redmon.
    Preprint PNPI-1909, Gatchina, p.30, 1993.
  39. Results of PNPI Experiments on pp Elastic Scattering and Partial Wave Analysis.
    S.P.Kruglov, V.V.Abaev, N.A.Bazhanov, V.S.Bekrenev, Yu.A.Beloglazov, E.A.Filimonov, A.I.Kovalev, N.G.Kozlenko, A.A.Kulbardis, L.V.Lapochkina, I.V.Lopatin, V.V.Polyakov, V.A.Shchedrov, A.V.Shvedchikov, V.V.Sumachev, I.I.Tkach, V.Yu.Trautman.
    Proceedings of the 5-th Int. Symposium on Meson-Nucleon Physics and the Structure of the Nucleon, 6-10 September, Boulder, Colorado, pN Newsletter, Vol.1, No.8, p.42-48, 1993.
  40. Measurement of the Spin Rotation Parameters R and A in pp Elastic Scattering in the Region of Low-Lying Pion-Nucleon Resonances.
    I.V.Lopatin, V.V.Abaev, N.A.Bazhanov, V.S.Bekrenev, Yu.A.Beloglazov, E.A.Filimonov, A.I.Kovalev, N.G.Kozlenko, S.P.Kruglov, A.A.Kulbardis, L.V.Lapochkina, V.V.Polyakov, V.A.Shchedrov, A.V.Shvedchikov, V.V.Sumachev, I.I.Tkach, V.Yu.Trautman.
    Book of Abstract of the XIII Int. Conference on Particle and Nuclei, Perugia, Italy, 28 June - 2 July, Vol.2, p.572-573, 1993.
  41. A Dedicated 0o Facility for Threshold Particle Production at COSY.
    M.Buscher, K.Sistemich, V.Abaev, U.Bechstedt, P.Birien, W.Borgs, W.Cassing, S.Dienel, H.Dombrowsky, S.V.Dshemuchadze, J.Ernst, R.Ezel, A.Franzen, D.Gotta, D.Grzonka, A.Hardt, F.Hinterberger, M.Ivanov, L.Jarczyk, B.Kamys, St.Kistryn, H.R.Koch, V.I.Komarov, V.Koptev, S.Kopyto, A.Kozela, A.Krykin, K.W.Leege, H.Muller, W.Oehme, W.Oelert, H.Ohm, R.Santo, Chr.Scneidereit, O.W.B.Schult, H.Seyfarth, V.Shelkov, J.Smyrski, A.Strzalkowski, K.-H.Watzlawik, B.Zh.Zalyhanov, N.I.Zhuravlev, P.Zolnierczuk.
    Physica Scripta, Vol.48, p.50, 1993.


  42. Measurement of the spin rotation parameters R and A in pp elastic scattering and a test of the pN partial-wave analyses in the region of low-lying P11, S11 and D13 resonances.
    I.V.Lopatin, V.V.Abaev, N.A.Bazhanov, V.S.Bekrenev, Yu.A.Beloglazov, E.A.Filimonov, A.I.Kovalev, N.G.Kozlenko, S.P.Kruglov, A.A.Kulbardis, L.V.Lapochkina, V.V.Polyakov, V.A.Shchedrov, A.V.Shvedchikov, V.V.Sumachev, I.I.Tkach, V.Yu.Trautman.
    Nucl. Phys., A567, p.882, 1994.
  43. Measurement of the spin rotation parameter A+ in elestic p+p scattering at pion beam momentum 1.43 GeV/c.
    V.V.Sumachev, V.V.Abaev, N.A.Bazhanov, V.S.Bekrenev, Yu.A.Beloglazov, A.I.Kovalev, N.G.Kozlenko, S.P.Kruglov, A.A.Kulbardis, I.V.Lopatin, V.Yu.Trautman, E.A.Filimonov, V.A.Shchedrov, I.G.Alekseev, B.M.Bobchenko, P.E.Budkovsky, V.V.Zhurkin, V.P.Kanavets, L.I.Koroleva, V.I.Martynov, B.V.Morozov, V.M.Nesterov, V.V.Platonov, V.V.Ryltsov, V.A.Sakharov, D.N.Svirida, A.V.Soskov, A.D.Sulimov.
    Preprint PNPI-1992, p.20, 1994.
  44. ETA Production at Threshold in the Reactions p-p->hn and K-p->Lh.
    W.J.Briscoe, T.W.Morrison, Z.Papandreou, S.Philips, J.Prokop, C.Bennhold, R.Pratt, M.Clajus, S.McDonald, T.Moriwaki, B.M.K.Nefkens, W.B.Tippens, D.White, S.Bart, R.Chrier, R.Sawafta, R.Sutter, M.E.Sadler, L.D.Isenhower, A.Marusic, I.Slaus, A.Efendiev, V.Abaev, V.Bekrenev, N.Kozlenko, S.Kruglov.
    AGS Proposal 909, BNL, USA, 1994.


  45. New method of calibrating the momentum scale of pion channel using h-meson production in the near-threshold region.
    I.V.Lopatin, V.V.Abaev, V.S.Bekrenev, A.B.Gridnev, M.R.Kan, N.G.Kozlenko, S.P.Kruglov, L.V.Lapochkina, A.Yu.Majorov, A.B.Starostin, V.V.Sumachev, E.A.Filimonov, B.M.K.Nefkens, J.B.Price, D.B.White, R.M.Clajus, M.E.Sadler, L.D.Isenhower, S.E.Garner, J.R.Phillips, J.A.Redmon.
    Prib. Tekh. Eksp., No.1, p.15, 1995.
  46. Measurement of the spin rotation parameter A+ in elastic p+p scattering at the incident pions momentum of 1.43 GeV/c.
    V.V.Sumachev, V.V.Abaev, N.A.Bazhanov, V.S.Bekrenev, Yu.A.Beloglazov, A.I.Kovalev, N.G.Kozlenko, S.P.Kruglov, A.A.Kulbardis, I.V.Lopatin, V.Yu.Trautman, E.A.Filimonov, V.A.Shchedrov, I.G.Alekseev, B.M.Bobchenko, P.E.Budkovsky, V.V.Zhurkin, V.P.Kanavets, L.I.Koroleva, V.I.Martynov, B.V.Morozov, V.M.Nesterov, V.V.Platonov, V.V.Ryltsov, V.A.Sakharov, D.N.Svirida, A.D.Sulimov.
    Yad. Fiz., Vol.58, p.1635, 1995.
  47. Measurement of the spin rotation parameter A+ in the elastic scattering of positive pions on a longitudinally-polarized proton target in the second resonance region.
    I.G.Alekseev, B.M.Bobchenko, P.E.Budkovsky, V.P.Kanavets, L.I.Koroleva, V.I.Martynov, B.V.Morozov, V.M.Nesterov, V.V.Platonov, V.V.Ryltsov, V.A.Sakharov, A.D.Sulimov, D.N.Svirida, V.V.Zhurkin, V.V.Abaev, N.A.Bazhanov, V.S.Bekrenev, Yu.A.Beloglazov, E.A.Filimonov, A.I.Kovalev, N.G.Kozlenko, S.P.Kruglov, A.A.Kulbardis, I.V.Lopatin, V.A.Schedrov, V.V.Sumachev, V.Yu.Trautman.
    Phys. Lett., B351, p.585, 1995.
  48. Phase shift analysis of pp scattering in the energy region from 160 to 600 MeV.
    V.V.Abaev, S.P.Kruglov.
    Z. Phys. A - Atoms and Nuclei, A352, No.1, p.85-96, 1995.
  49. Study of reactions p-p->hn and p-p->pon on pion beams of the PNPI synchrocyclotron.
    I.V.Lopatin, V.V.Abaev, V.S.Bekrenev, E.A.Filimonov, A.B.Gridnev, M.R.Kan, N.G.Kozlenko, S.P.Kruglov, L.V.Lapochkina, A.Yu.Majorov, D.V.Novinsky, A.B.Starostin, V.V.Sumachev, B.M.K.Nefkens, J.W.Price, D.B.White, R.M.Clajus, M.E.Sadler, L.D.Isenhower, S.E.Garner, J.R.Phillips, J.A.Redmon.
    Few-Body Systems Suppl., 9, p.241, 1995.
  50. Recent PNPI results on pp elastic scattering and charge splitting of P33 amplitude.
    S.P.Kruglov, V.V.Abaev, N.A.Bazhanov, V.S.Bekrenev, Yu.A.Beloglazov, E.A.Filimonov, A.I.Kovalyov, N.G.Kozlenko, A.A.Kulbardis, L.V.Lapochkina, I.V.Lopatin, V.V.Polyakov, V.A.Shchedrov, A.V.Shvedchikov, V.V.Sumachev, I.I.Tkach, V.Yu.Trautman.
    Proceedings of the Int. Conference on Mesons and Nuclei at Intermediate Energies (3-7 May, 1994), Dubna, Russia, World Scientific Publishing Co., p.13, 1995.
  51. The experiment on h production in the reaction p-p->hn in the near-threshold region.
    I.V.Lopatin, V.V.Abaev, V.S.Bekrenev, E.A.Filimonov, A.B.Gridnev, M.R.Kan, N.G.Kozlenko, S.P.Kruglov, L.V.Lapochkina, A.Yu.Majorov, A.B.Starostin, V.V.Sumachev, B.M.K.Nefkens, J.W.Price, D.B.White, R.M.Clajus, M.E.Sadler, L.D.Isenhower, S.E.Garner, J.R.Phillips, J.A.Redmon.
    Proceedings of the Int. Conference on Physics with GeV-Particle Beams (22-25 August 1994, Julich, Germany), World Scientific Publishing Co., p.120, 1995.
  52. Test of pp phase shift analysis in second resonance region by means of measurements of spin rotation parameters A and R.
    V.V.Abaev, N.A.Bazhanov, V.S.Bekrenev, Yu.A.Beloglazov, E.A.Filimonov, A.I.Kovalev, N.G.Kozlenko, S.P.Kruglov, A.A.Kulbardis, I.V.Lopatin, V.A.Shchedrov, V.V.Sumachev, V.Yu.Trautman, I.G.Alekseev, B.M.Bobchenko, P.E.Budkovsky, V.P.Kanavets, L.I.Koroleva, V.I.Martynov, B.V.Morozov, V.M.Nesterov, V.V.Platonov, V.V.Ryltsov, V.A.Sakharov, A.D.Sulimov, D.N.Svirida, V.V.Zhurkin.
    Proceedings of the 6-th Int. Symposium on Meson-Nucleon Physics and the Structure of the Nucleon, 10-14 July, Blaubeuren/Tubingen, Germany, pN Newsletter, Vol.1, No.10, p.138, 1995.
  53. The experiment on h production in the reaction p-p->hn in the near-threshold region.
    I.V.Lopatin, V.V.Abaev, V.S.Bekrenev, E.A.Filimonov, A.B.Gridnev, M.R.Kan, N.G.Kozlenko, S.P.Kruglov, L.V.Lapochkina, A.Yu.Majorov, A.B.Starostin, V.V.Sumachev, B.M.K.Nefkens, J.W.Price, D.B.White, R.M.Clajus, M.E.Sadler, L.D.Isenhower, S.E.Garner, J.R.Phillips, J.A.Redmon.
    Proceedings of the Int. Conference on Meson and Nuclei at Intermediate Energies, (3-7 May,1994), Dubna, Russia, World Scientific Publishing Co., p.687, 1995.
  54. Baryon Spectroscopy with the Crystal Ball.
    L.D.Isenhower, M.E.Sadler, M.Clajus, S.McDonald, T.Moriwaki, B.M.K.Nefkens, W.B.Tippens, D.B.White, W.J.Briscoe, T.Morrison, Z.Papandreou, A.Efendiev, D.M.Manley, V.V.Abaev, V.Bekrenev, N.Kozlenko, S.Kruglov, I.Loptin, A.Starostin, M.Batinic, A.Marusic, I.Slaus, I.Supek, A.Svarc.
    AGS Proposal 913, BNL, USA, 1995.
  55. Neutral Hyperon Spectroscopy.
    L.D.Isenhower, M.E.Sadler, M.Clajus, S.McDonald, T.Moriwaki, B.M.K.Nefkens, W.B.Tippens, D.B.White, W.J.Briscoe, T.Morrison, Z.Papandreou, A.Efendiev, D.M.Manley, V.V.Abaev, V.Bekrenev, N.Kozlenko, S.Kruglov, I.Loptin, A.Starostin, M.Batinic, A.Marusic, I.Slaus, A.Svarc.
    AGS Proposal 914, BNL, USA, 1995.
  56. Some comments on PNPI-94 phase shift analysis.
    Invited talk at the 6-th Int. Symposium on Meson-Nucleon Physics and the Structure of the Nucleon, 10-14 July, Blaubeuren/Tubingen, Germany, 1995.
  57. Eta production in pion interactions with protons and deuterons.
    M.Clajus for the E890/E909 collaboration:
    W.J.Briscoe, T.W.Morrison, Z.Papandreou, M.Clajus, S.McDonald, T.Moriwaki, B.M.K.Nefkens, W.B.Tippens, D.White, R.Chrier, R.Sawafta, R.Sutter, M.E.Sadler, L.D.Isenhower, A.Marusic, I.Slaus, A.Efendiev, V.V.Abaev, V.S.Bekrenev, N.G.Kozlenko, A.B.Starostin, M.J.Leitch, J.C.Peng, H.Seyfarth.
    Proceedings of the 6-th Int. Symposium on Meson-Nucleon Physics and the Structure of the Nucleon, 10-14 July, Blaubeuren/Tubingen, Germany, pN Newsletter, Vol.2, No.11, p.111-116, 1995.


  58. S-wave resonance coupled-channel approach to the reactions p-p->hn and K-p->hL and a determination of the hN and hL scattering lengths.
    V.V.Abaev and B.M.K.Nefkens.
    Phys. Rev., C53, No.1, p.2-6, 1996.
  59. Argument scaling analysis.
    Preprint PNPI-2124, Gatchina, p.13, 1996.
  60. Measurements of the spin rotation parameters A and R in the elastic pion-proton scattering in the second resonance region 0.9-1.9 GeV/c.
    V.V.Abaev, N.A.Bazhanov, Yu.A.Beloglazov, E.A.Filimonov, A.I.Kovalev, N.G.Kozlenko, S.P.Kruglov, A.A.Kulbardis, I.V.Lopatin, V.A.Shchedrov, V.V.Sumachev, V.Yu.Trautman, I.G.Alekseev, B.M.Bobchenko, P.E.Budkovsky, V.P.Kanavets, L.I.Koroleva, V.I.Martynov, B.V.Morozov, V.M.Nesterov, V.V.Platonov, V.V.Ryltsov, V.A.Sakharov, A.D.Sulimov, D.N.Svirida, V.V.Zhurkin.
    Proceedings of the 6-th Workshop on High Energy Spin Physics, Protvino, Russia, (18-23 September, 1995), Vol.2, p.100, 1996.
  61. Baryon spectroscopy: results from PNPI.
    I.V.Lopatin, V.V.Abaev, V.S.Bekrenev, E.A.Filimonov, A.B.Gridnev, M.R.Kan, N.G.Kozlenko, S.P.Kruglov, L.V.Lapochkina, A.Yu.Majorov, D.V.Novinsky, A.B.Starostin, V.V.Sumachev, B.M.K.Nefkens, J.W.Price, D.B.White, R.M.Clajus, M.E.Sadler, L.D.Isenhower, S.E.Garner, J.R.Phillips, J.A.Redmon.
    Proceedings of the 7-th Int. Conference on the Structure of Baryons, (3-7 October, 1995), Santa Fe, USA, p.291, 1996.
  62. A new program in baryon and hyperon spectroscopy with the Crystal Ball.
    M.E.Sadler, L.D.Isenhower, M.Clajus, S.McDonald, T.Moriwaki, B.M.K.Nefkens, W.B.Tippens, D.B.White, W.J.Briscoe, T.Morrison, Z.Papandreou, A.Efendiev, D.M.Manley, V.V.Abaev, V.Bekrenev, N.Kozlenko,S.P.Kruglov, I.Lopatin, A.Starostin.
    Proceedings of the 7-th Int. Conference on the Structure of Baryons, (3-7 October, 1995), Santa Fe, USA, p.295, 1996.
  63. Baryon Spectroscopy with p mesons at PNPI.
    I.V.Lopatin, V.V.Abaev, V.S.Bekrenev, E.A.Filimonov, A.B.Gridnev, M.R.Kan, N.G.Kozlenko, S.P.Kruglov, L.V.Lapochkina, A.Yu.Majorov, D.V.Novinsky, A.B.Starostin, V.V.Sumachev, B.M.K.Nefkens, J.W.Price, D.B.White, R.M.Clajus, M.E.Sadler, L.D.Isenhower, S.E.Garner, J.R.Phillips, J.A.Redmon.
    Proceedings of the 14-th Int. Conference on Particles and Nuclei, 22-28 May, Williamsburg, USA, p.516, 1996.
  64. Measurement of the spin rotation parameters A and R in pp elastic scattering in the momentum range 1.4-2.1 GeV/c.
    V.V.Abaev, N.A.Bazhanov, V.S.Bekrenev, Yu.A.Beloglazov, E.A.Filimonov, A.I.Kovalev, N.G.Kozlenko, S.P.Kruglov, A.A.Kulbardis, I.V.Lopatin, V.A.Shchedrov, V.V.Sumachev, V.Yu.Trautman, I.G.Alekseev, B.M.Bobchenko, P.E.Budkovsky, V.P.Kanavets, L.I.Koroleva, V.I.Martynov, B.V.Morozov, V.M.Nesterov, V.V.Platonov, V.V.Ryltsov, V.A.Sakharov, A.D.Sulimov, D.N.Svirida, V.V.Zhurkin.
    PNPI Research Report 1994-1995, Gatchina, p.20-24, 1996.
  65. Measurement of differential cross sections for binary p-p reactions with both neutral particles in final state in the region of P11(1440) and S13(1535) resonances.
    I.V.Lopatin, V.V.Abaev, V.S.Bekrenev, E.A.Filimonov, A.B.Gridnev, M.R.Kan, N.G.Kozlenko, S.P.Kruglov, L.V.Lapochkina, A.Yu.Majorov, D.V.Novinsky, A.B.Starostin, V.V.Sumachev, B.M.K.Nefkens, J.W.Price, D.B.White, R.M.Clajus, M.E.Sadler, L.D.Isenhower, S.E.Garner, J.R.Phillips, J.A.Redmon.
    PNPI Research Report 1994-1995, Gatchina, p.25-28, 1996.
  66. Measurements of spin-dependent observables in the two-body and quasi two-body processes of the pion-nucleon interactions at the ITEP Accelerator.
    I.G.Alekseev,B.M.Bobchenko, P.E.Budkovsky, V.P.Kanavets, L.I.Koroleva, I.I.Levintov, V.I.Martynov, B.V.Morozov, V.M.Nesterov, V.V.Platonov, V.V.Ryltsov, V.A.Sakharov, A.D.Sulimov, D.N.Svirida, V.V.Zhurkin, V.V.Abaev, N.A.Bazhanov, Yu.A.Beloglazov, E.A.Filimonov, A.I.Kovalev, N.G.Kozlenko, S.P.Kruglov, A.A.Kulbardis, I.V.Lopatin, V.A.Shchedrov, V.V.Sumachev, V.Yu.Trautman.
    Proceedings of the 6-th Workshop on High Energy Spin Physics, Protvino, Russia, (18-23 September,1995), Vol.2, p.80, 1996.
  67. Measurement of spin rotation parameters at ITEP accelerator and analysis of the baryon spectrum near 1.9 GeV.
    V.P.Kanavets for the ITEP-PNPI Collaboration:
    I.G.Alekseev,B.M.Bobchenko, P.E.Budkovsky, V.P.Kanavets, L.I.Koroleva, V.I.Martynov, B.V.Morozov, V.M.Nesterov, V.V.Platonov, V.V.Ryltsov, V.A.Sakharov, A.D.Sulimov, D.N.Svirida, V.V.Zhurkin, V.V.Abaev, N.A.Bazhanov, Yu.A.Beloglazov, E.A.Filimonov, A.I.Kovalev, N.G.Kozlenko, S.P.Kruglov, A.A.Kulbardis, I.V.Lopatin, V.A.Shchedrov, V.V.Sumachev, V.Yu.Trautman.
    Book of Abstracts of the 12-th Int. Symposium on High-Energy Spin Physics, 10-14 September, Amsterdam, Nethelands, p.164, 1996.
  68. Precise Method for Momentum Calibration of Pion Channels by Measuring Nutron TOF for p-p->hn.
    N.Kozlenko, V.Abaev, V.Bekrenev, S.Kruglov, I.Lopatin, A.Starostin, L.D.Isenhower, M.Sadler, R.Chrien, R.Sawafta, R.Sutter, M.Clajus, A.Marusic, S.McDonald, B.M.K.Nefkens,W.B.Tippens, D.White, W.J.Briscoe, T.Morrison, Z.Papandreou, A.Efendiev.
    Abstract of the APS'96 Meeting of the American Physical Society, 2-5 October, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., Vol.41, No.5, FE 3, p.1270, 1996.
  69. Observation of Charge Symmetry Breaking in the Reactions p+-d->NNh.
    A.Marusic for the Crystal Ball collaboration.
    Abstract of the APS'96 Meeting of the American Physical Society, 2-5 October, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., Vol.41, No.5, BF 3, p.1239, 1996.


  70. Nucleon-Nucleon Final State Interactions in Single Pion Production.
    V.Koptev, M.Buscher, U.Bechstedt, G.Borchert, W.Burg, R.Esser, D Gotta, R.Koch, R.Maier, U.Ohm, D.Prasuhn, R.Schleichert, O.Schult, H.Seyfarth, K.Sistemich, J.Stein, H.Muller, B.Prietzschk, B.Rimarzig, Chr.Schneider, V.Abaev, V.Nelubin, V.Komarov, A.Kulikov, V.Kruglov, A.Kacharava, G.Macharashvili, A.Petrus, A.Volkov, C.Wilkin and the ANKE collaboration.
    13-th COSY-PAC Meeting, KFA, Julich, 11-12 November, 1996;
    COSY Proposal No.38, Julich, Germany, 1997.
  71. Eta Production at Threshold in the Reactions p-p->hn and K-p->Lh.
    W.J.Briscoe, C.Bennhold, T.W.Morrison, Z.Papandreou, R.Pratt, W.B.Tippens, M.Clajus, S.McDonald, B.M.K.Nefkens, J.W.Price, D.White, L.D.Isenhower, M.Sadler, R.Chrier, R.Sawafta, R.Sutter, A.Marusic, I.Slaus, V.V.Abaev, V.Bekrenev, N.Kozlenko, S.Kruglov, A.Starostin.
    Proceedings of the 7-th Int. Symposium on Meson-Nucleon Physics and the Structure of the Nucleon, 28 July - 1 August, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, pN Newsletter, No.13, p.282-286, 1997.
  72. Measurement of spin rotation parameters at ITEP accelerator and analysis of the baryon spectrum near 1.9 GeV.
    V.P.Kanavets for the ITEP-PNPI Collaboration.
    Proceedings of the 12-th Int. Symposium on High-Energy Spin Physics,(10-14 September, 1996), Amsterdam, Nethelands, World Scienific Publishing Co., p.383-385, 1997.
  73. The argument scaling and the application to the phase shift analysis.
    Proceedings of the 7-th Int. Symposium on Meson-Nucleon Physics and the Structure of the Nucleon, 28 July - 1 August, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, pN Newsletter, No.13, p.217-220, 1997.
  74. The Crystal Ball Multi-Photon Spectrometer: A New Facility for Baryon Spectroscopy.
    R.Bagga, B.Draper, J.Huddleston, L.D.Isenhower, Z.Mulkey, M.Sadler, T.Kasprzyk, H.Spinka, J.Comfort, K.Craig, A.Ramirez, T.Kycia, M.Clajus, A.Marusic, S.McDonald, B.M.K.Nefkens,W.B.Tippens, J.Patterson, J.Peterson, W.J.Briscoe, A.Shafi, H.Staudenmaier, M.Manley, V.Abaev, V.Bekrenev, N.Kozlenko, S.Kruglov, A.Kulbardis, I.Lopatin, A.Starostin, N.Knecht, J.Lolos, Z.Papandreou, I.Slaus, I.Supek, A.Gibson, D.Grosnick, D.D.Koetke, R.Manweiler, P.Nord, S.Stanislaus.
    Proceedings of the 7-th Int. Symposium on Meson-Nucleon Physics and the Structure of the Nucleon, 28 July - 1 August, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, pN Newsletter, No.13, p.123-126, 1997.
  75. Investigation of Neutral Decays of the Eta Meson with the Crystal Ball.
    A.Marusic for the Crystal Ball collaboration.
    R.Bagga, B.Draper, J.Huddleston, L.D.Isenhower, Z.Mulkey, M.Sadler, T.Kasprzyk, H.Spinka, J.Comfort, K.Craig, A.Ramirez, T.Kycia, M.Clajus, A.Marusic, S.McDonald, B.M.K.Nefkens,W.B.Tippens, J.Patterson, J.Peterson, W.J.Briscoe, A.Shafi, H.Staudenmaier, M.Manley, V.Abaev, V.Bekrenev, N.Kozlenko, S.Kruglov, A.Kulbardis, I.Lopatin, A.Starostin, N.Knecht, J.Lolos, Z.Papandreou, I.Slaus, I.Supek, A.Gibson, D.Grosnick, D.D.Koetke, R.Manweiler, S.Stanislaus.
    Abstract of the DNP'97 Meeting of the American Physical Society, Vancouver, Canada, 1997.
  76. Crystal Ball Gains Calibration and Beam Momentum Determination for Expt.E913.
    J.Comfort for the Crystal Ball collaboration.
    Abstract of the DNP'97 Meeting of the American Physical Society, Vancouver, Canada, 1997.
  77. popo Production from p-p Interactions in the Baryon Resonance Region.
    K.Craig for the Crystal Ball collaboration.
    Abstract of the DNP'97 Meeting of the American Physical Society, Vancouver, Canada, 1997.
  78. Data acquisition system for the Crystal Ball spectrometer.
    S.McDonald for the Crystal Ball collaboration.
    Abstract of the DNP'97 Meeting of the American Physical Society, Vancouver, Canada, 1997.
  79. Photon and Neutron Identification in the Crystal Ball Spectrometer.
    S.Stanislaus for the Crystal Ball collaboration.
    Abstract of the DNP'97 Meeting of the American Physical Society, Vancouver, Canada, 1997.


  80. The spin rotation parameters A and R as a test of pN partial wave analysis in the first and second resonance regions (0.45-1.9 GeV).
    V.V.Sumachev, V.V.Abaev, N.A.Bazhanov, V.S.Bekrenev, Yu.A.Beloglazov, E.A.Filimonov, A.I.Kovalev, N.G.Kozlenko, S.P.Kruglov, A.A.Kulbardis, I.V.Lopatin, A.V.Shvedchikov, V.Yu.Trautman, I.G.Alekseev, B.M.Bobchenko, P.E.Budkovsky, V.P.Kanavets, L.I.Koroleva, V.I.Martynov, B.V.Morozov, V.M.Nesterov, V.V.Ryltsov, A.D.Sulimov, D.N.Svirida, V.V.Zhurkin.
    Proceedings of the 7-th Workshop on High Energy Spin Physics, (7-12 July, 1997), Dubna, Russia, p.283, 1998.
  81. Hadron spectroscopy with the Crystal Ball at the AGS.
    B.Tippens for the Crystal Ball collaboration.
    Proceedings of the 7-th Int. Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy, (25-30 August, 1997), BNL, Upton, New York, USA, AIP Conference Proceedings, No.432, p.646, 1998.
  82. New Crystal Ball Results from BNL.
    B.Tippens for the Crystal Ball collaboration.
    Proceedings of the GW/JLab Workshop on N* Physics, (30 October - 1 November, 1997), The George Washington University-Virginia Campus, Ashburn, VA, USA, pN Newsletter, No.14, p.90-98, 1998.
  83. Study of h production process p-p->hn in near-threshold region.
    I.V.Lopatin, V.V.Abaev, V.S.Bekrenev, E.A.Filimonov, A.B.Gridnev, M.R.Kan, N.G.Kozlenko, S.P.Kruglov, A.B.Starostin, V.V.Sumachev, B.M.K.Nefkens, J.W.Price, D.B.White, R.M.Clajus, M.E.Sadler, L.D.Isenhower.
    Preprint PNPI-2244, Gatchina, p.19, 1998.
  84. Observation of the charge symmetry breaking in the reaction p+-d->NNh.
    V.V.Abaev, V.S.Bekrenev, N.G.Kozlenko, A.B.Starostin, M.Clajus, S.McDonald, T.Moriwaki, B.M.K.Nefkens, W.B.Tippens, D.W.White, M.E.Sadler, L.D.Isenhower, R.E.Chrien, R.Sawafta, R.Sutter, W.J.Briscoe, T.W.Morrison, Z.Papandreou, M.Marusic, I.Slaus, A.Efendiev, M.J.Leitch, J.C.Peng, H.Seyfarth.
    PNPI Research Reports 1996-1997, Gatchina, p.20, 1998.
  85. Baryon spectroscopy with the Crystal Ball.
    V.V.Abaev, V.S.Bekrenev, N.G.Kozlenko, S.P.Kruglov, A.A.Kulbardis, I.V.Lopatin, A.B.Starostin, R.Bagga, B.Draper, J.Huddleston, D.Isenhower, Z.Mulkey, M.Sadler, T.Kasprzyk, H.Spinka, J.Comfort, K.Craig, A.Ramirez, T.Kycia, M.Clajus, A.Marusic, S.McDonalds, B.M.K.Nefkens, B.Tippens, J.Patterson, J.Peterson, W.Briscoe, A.Shafi, H.Staudenmaier, M.Manley, N.Knecht, G.Lolos, Z.Papandreou, I.Slaus, I.Supek, A.Gibson, D.Grosnick, D.D.Koetke, R.Manweiler, P.Nord, S.Stanislaus.
    PNPI Research Reports 1996-1997, Gatchina, p.37, 1998.
  86. Measurement of differential cross sections for binary p-p reactions with both neutral particles in final state in the region of P11(1440) and S11(1535) resonances.
    I.V.Lopatin, V.V.Abaev, V.S.Bekrenev, E.A.Filimonov, A.B.Gridnev, M.R.Kan, N.G.Kozlenko, S.P.Kruglov, A.A.Kulbardis, L.V.Lapochkina, D.V.Novinsky, A.B.Starostin, V.V.Sumachev, B.M.K.Nefkens, R.M.Clajus, M.E.Sadler, L.D.Isenhower.
    PNPI Research Reports 1996-1997, Gatchina, p.46, 1998.


  87. Analysis of the spin rotation parameters A and R measurements in the region of the first and second maxima of the pion-proton elastic scattering cross sections.
    V.V.Sumachev, V.V.Abaev, N.A.Bazhanov, V.S.Bekrenev, Yu.A.Beloglazov, E.A.Filimonov, A.I.Kovalev, N.G.Kozlenko, S.P.Kruglov, A.A.Kulbardis, V.Yu.Trautman, I.G.Alekseev, P.E.Budkovsky, V.P.Kanavets, L.I.Koroleva, V.I.Martynov, B.V.Morozov, V.M.Nesterov, V.V.Ryltsov, A.D.Sulimov, D.N.Svirida.
    Proceedings of the 13-th Int. Symposium on High Energy Spin Physics (SPIN98), (8-12 September, 1998), Protvino, Russia, World Scientific Publishing Co., p.382-384, 1999.
  88. Measurements of the spin-dependent observables in the strong interactions at intermediate energies at ITEP accelerator.
    V.Kanavets for the ITEP-PNPI collaboration.
    Proceedings of the 13-th Int. Symposium on High Energy Spin Physics (SPIN98), (8-12 September, 1998), Protvino, Russia, World Scientific Publishing Co., p.347-349, 1999.
  89. Spectrum and parameters of isobars in the second resonance region - analysis of the experimental data.
    V.Kanavets for the ITEP-PNPI collaboration.
    Proceedings of the 8-th Int. Conference on the Structure of Baryons, (22-26 September, 1998), Bonn, Germany, World Scientific Publishing Co., p.99, 1999.
  90. Radiative Capture Cross Sections in the Eta-Production Region.
    A.Shafi for the Crystal Ball collaboration.
    Abstract of the APR'99 Meeting of the American Physical Society, Atlanta, USA, 1999.
  91. Rare h Decays to Test CP and C Invariance in Quark-Family-Conserving Interactions.
    B.M.K.Nefkens for the Crystal Ball collaboration.
    Abstract of the DNP'99 Meeting of the American Physical Society, Asilomar, USA, 1999.
  92. Radiative Capture Cross Sections.
    A.Shafi for the Crystal Ball collaboration.
    Abstract of the DNP'99 Meeting of the American Physical Society, Asilomar, USA, 1999.
  93. The Differential Cross Section for p-p->pon at the opening of the h channel.
    A.Starostin for the Crystal Ball collaboration.
    Abstract of the DNP'99 Meeting of the American Physical Society, Asilomar, USA, 1999.
  94. Branching Ratio of the Decay h->pogg.
    N.Knecht for the Crystal Ball collaboration.
    Abstract of the DNP'99 Meeting of the American Physical Society, Asilomar, USA, 1999.
  95. The Reaction K-p->poL below 750 MeV/c.
    J.Olmstet for the Crystal Ball collaboration.
    Abstract of the DNP'99 Meeting of the American Physical Society, Asilomar, USA, 1999.
  96. A Measurement of the Branching Ratio K-p->gSo.
    D.Grosnick for the Crystal Ball collaboration.
    Abstract of the DNP'99 Meeting of the American Physical Society, Asilomar, USA, 1999.
  97. Neutron Interactions in NaI.
    S.Stanislaus for the Crystal Ball collaboration.
    Abstract of the DNP'99 Meeting of the American Physical Society, Asilomar, USA, 1999.
  98. Measurement of Cross Sections for K-p->poSo.
    R.W.Manweiler for the Crystal Ball collaboration.
    Abstract of the DNP'99 Meeting of the American Physical Society, Asilomar, USA, 1999.
  99. Pion-Nucleon Charge Exchange Cross Sections in the P33 Resonance Region Using Crystal Ball.
    M.E.Sadler for the Crystal Ball collaboration.
    Abstract of the DNP'99 Meeting of the American Physical Society, Asilomar, USA, 1999.
  100. popo Production from p-p Interactions in the Baryon Resonance Region.
    K.Craig for the Crystal Ball collaboration.
    Abstract of the DNP'99 Meeting of the American Physical Society, Asilomar, USA, 1999.
  101. Eta Production from Hydrogen using Pion and Kaon Beams.
    W.B.Tippens for the Crystal Ball collaboration.
    Abstract of the DNP'99 Meeting of the American Physical Society, Asilomar, USA, 1999.
  102. (p-,po) and (p-,h) Spectra from Complex Targets at 750 MeV/c.
    R.J.Peterson for the Crystal Ball collaboration.
    Abstract of the DNP'99 Meeting of the American Physical Society, Asilomar, USA, 1999.
  103. Measurement of K-p->Lg up to pK = 750 MeV/c.
    P.Nakorn for the Crystal Ball collaboration.
    Abstract of the DNP'99 Meeting of the American Physical Society, Asilomar, USA, 1999.
  104. Excitation Function of p-p->ng near h-Production Threshold.
    V.Bekrenev for the Crystal Ball collaboration.
    Abstract of the DNP'99 Meeting of the American Physical Society, Asilomar, USA, 1999.


  105. The pion nucleon amplitude in the baryon resonance region.
    V.V.Sumachev, V.V.Abaev, S.P.Kruglov, A.A.Kulbardis, D.V.Novinsky, I.G.Alekseev, V.P.Kanavets, B.V.Morozov, V.M.Nesterov, D.N.Svirida.
    Proceedings of the 14-th Recontres de Physique de la Valle d'Aoste: Results and Perspectieves in Particle Physics (637-648), La Thuille, Valle d'Aoste, Italy, 27 Feb - 4 Mar 2000.


  106. pi+p Correlation at 0 degree and np Final State Interaction in pp->pn pi+ reaction at 495 MeV.
    V.V.Abaev, V.Koptev, H.Stroeher.
    PNPI Preprint 2403, Gatchina, 2001.
  107. Spin-triplet final-state dominance in the pp->pn pi+ reaction at 492 MeV.
    V.V.Abaev, M.Buescher, S,Dymov, M.Hartmann, A.Kacharava, V.I.Komarov, V.Koptev, V.Kurbatov, S.Mikirtychiants, M.Nikipelov, A.Petrus, H.Stroeher, Yu.N.Uzikov, C.Wilkin, S.Yaschenko.
    Phys.Lett. B521, 158-164, (2001).
  108. Forward K+ Production in Subthreshold pA Collisions at 1.0 GeV.
    V.Koptev, M.Buescher, H.Junghans, ..., V.V.Abaev, ..., I.Zychor.
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 022301, (2001).
  109. Measurement of charge symmetry breaking by the comparison of pi+ d->pp eta with pi- d->nn eta.
    W.B.Tippens, V.V.Abaev, M.Batinic, ..., D.B.White.
    Phys. Rev. D63, 052001, (2001).


  110. Properties of the Lambda(1670)(1/2-) Resonance.
    D.M.Manley, V.V.Abaev, C.E.Allgower, ..., W.B.Tippens.
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 012002, (2002).


  111. Measurement of the total and differential cross-sections for the reaction pi- p->eta n with the Crystal Ball detector.
    N.G.Kozlenko, V.V.Abaev, V.S.Bekrenev, ..., S.Stanislaus.
    Phys. Atom. Nucl. 66, 110-113, (2003).
  112. Measurement of the pi- p->3pi0 n total cross section from threshold to 0.75 GeV/c.
    A.Starostin, B.M.K.Nefkens, D.M.Manley, V.V.Abaev, ..., W.B.Tippens.
    Phys. Rev. C67, 068201, (2003).


  113. Differential cross section of the charge-exchange reaction pi- p->pi0 n in the momentum range from 148 to 323 MeV/c.
    M.E.Sadler, A.Kulbardis, V.V.Abaev, ..., S.Watson.
    Phys. Rev. C69, 055206, (2004).


  114. Measurement of the pi- p->pi0 n in the vicinity of the eta threshold.
    A.Starostin, S.Prakhov, B.M.K.Nefkens, V.V.Abaev, ..., W.B.Tippens.
    Phys. Rev. C72, 015205, (2005).
  115. Pion-Nucleon charge exchange measurements in the region of the P11(1440) resonance.
    M.E.Sadler, A.Barker, C.Bircher, ..., V.V.Abaev, ..., S.Stanislaus.
    IJMPA, 20, 1814-1817, (2005).