Manufacturer: Practical Peripherals
Model: PM14400FXMT, PM28800FXMT
Latest Firmware Revision Tried: 2.17 (PM14400FXMT)
Recommended Firmware Revisions: 2.17 (PM14400FXMT)
Last Updated:$Date: 1995/04/02 03:51:53 $
- There is an
FAQ for PPI modems.
- Defaulted subparameters in AT+FDIS
and AT+FDCC commands are wrongly treated as zero
commands to set session parameters after establishing a
connection with a remote machine are accepted but ignored; this
makes it impossible to select/change data format (1D vs 2D encoding)
and vertical resolution (98lpi vs 196lpi); to workaround the problem
use the Class2DDISCmd configuration parameter
- RTC appended by the modem on page transmit appears to be
invalid; the host should append a proper RTC
- EOM followed by a T2 timeout is handled incorrectly; the modem
restarts Phase B of the protocol but then goes into an
indeterminate state
- Page data reception is triggered by DC2, not DC1
- Fax receive is locked at 19200 and only software flow control
appears to be supported
- It is not possible to disable software flow control during
page data transmit
- HDLC frame tracing (AT+FBUG=1) is not supported
Supra SupraFAX v.32bis
Copyright © 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994 Sam Leffler
Copyright © 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994 Silicon Graphics, Inc.