

Our leading designers -
Dr. V.Golovtsov,
Senior Scientist L.Uvarov, Senior Scientist N.Bondar,
A.G. Atamantchouk , engineer A.Golyash
- participants of the
experiment deal with (Track Finder, Self Trigger, Alignment, HVM, Front End).
Colleagues Radio Electronics Department: Dr. V.Golovtsov, Senior Scientist L.Uvarov - Track Finder system designers.
Colleagues: Dr. V.Golovtsov, Senior Scientist L.Uvarov, Senior Scientist V.Iatsioura, engineer N.Gruzinsky - Self Trigger (ATLAS) system designers.
Colleagues Radio Electronics Department: Dr. V.Golovtsov, Senior Scientist L.Uvarov, Senior Scientist N.Bondar, Senior Scientist E.Spiridenkov, Senior Scientist V.Iatsioura, engineers A.Golyash, E.Lobachev, S.Uvarov -
CROS3 Readout system designers.
Colleagues Radio Electronics Department: Senior Scientist S.Volkov,
Senior Scientist E. Orishchin ,
engineers N.Isaev, S.Bondarev, L.Sergeev, A.Myl'nikova, N.Gulina -
CMS/ LHCb HV designers for LHCb experiment.
Colleagues Senior Scientist S.Volkov, engineers N.Isaev, S.Bondarev, A.Myl'nikova - CMS/GEM HV system
designers - High Voltage system for triple GEM CMS detector.
Colleagues Senior Scientist S.Volkov, engineers N.Isaev, S.Bondarev, A.Myl'nikova -
Active Dividers designers for Photomultipliers - The photomultipliers tube active dividers in HVM 2014.
Participants of the Alignment experiment deal with
Senior Scientist V.A. Sknar ,
Senior Scientist E. Orishchin, engineers A.Golyash (Endcap Muon Alignment System)
Colleagues Radio Electronics Department: Senior Scientist S.Volkov, engineers N.Isaev, S.Bondarev, L.Sergeev, A.Myl'nikova, N.Gulina - CMS EMU CSC HV system (HVM) designers for CMS experiment.
Participants of the D0 (DZero)
experiment deal with Senior Scientist P.Neustroev, Senior Scientist L.Uvarov, engineers
S.Udalova, N.Osipova.
Special Testbench ( Front-End ) for the CMS
was developed by our colleagues Senior Scientist N.Bondar, engineer A.Golyash, engineer V.Sedov, engineer L.Sergeev.
Colleagues Radio Electronics Department: Senior Scientist N.Bondar, engineers G.Zhmakin, V.Iatsioura - Silicon Readout system designers.