V. Guzey and T. Teckentrup, Phys. Rev. D 74, 054027
V. Guzey and T. Teckentrup, Phys. Rev. D. 79 , 017501 (2009) [arXiv:0810.3899 [hep-ph]]
Description of the model Comparison to DVCS data Compton Form Factors of proton and neutron (with downloads) DVCS asymmetries ALU, AC and AUT of proton and neutron (with downloads) Nuclear GPDs and nuclear DVCS asymmetries (with downloads) Back to V.Guzey at PNPI |
Compton Form FactorsThe so-called Compton Form Factors (CFFs) are defined as convolution of GPDs with the leading-order hard scattering coefficients:
Dual parameterization predictions for the proton and neutron CFFs
Using the dual parameterization of nucleon GPDs, we calculated the proton
and neutron CFFs for the GPDs H
and E as a function of all three variables
xB, Q2
and t in the following kinematic range, 0.01
< xB < 0.5, 1 < Q2
< 10 GeV2 and 0.005 < |t|
< 1 GeV2, and for a wide range of Ju
and Jd,
-0.6 < Ju < 0.6 and -1
< Jd < 1.