V. Guzey and T. Teckentrup, Phys. Rev. D 74, 054027 (2006)
V. Guzey and T. Teckentrup, Phys. Rev. D. 79 , 017501 (2009) [arXiv:0810.3899 [hep-ph]]
of the model Comparison to DVCS data Compton Form Factors of proton and neutron (with downloads) DVCS asymmetries ALU, AC and AUT of proton and neutron (with downloads) Nuclear GPDs and nuclear DVCS asymmetries (with downloads) Back to V.Guzey at PNPI |
factor of two in
front of the DVCS amplitude was
missing in our original paper [V. Guzey and T. Teckentrup, Phys.
Rev. D 74, 054027 (2006)].
In other words, the GPDs had the forward limit, which is 1/2 of the
conventional one.
This was explained and corrected in our recent paper (V. Guzey and T. Teckentrup, Phys. Rev. D. 79 , 017501 (2009) [arXiv:0810.3899 [hep-ph]]). As a result, the good agreement with the high-energy DVCS data (H1 and ZEUS) is no longer possible in the minimal model of the dual parameterization. All expressions, plots, data files (grids) and Fortran codes given below are up-to-date, i.e. with the restored factor of two and the correct forward limit of the generalized parton distributions. Description of the modelThe dual parameterization of nucleon Generalized Parton Distributions (GPDs) is built as a formal infinite and divergent series reproducing Mellin moments of the nucleon GPDs. The parameterization is called dual because its derivation is based on the hypothesis of duality: the resulting nucleon GPDs are presented as infinite sums of t-channel exchanges. The advantages of the dual parameterization include: The dual parameterization for the nucleon GPDs H and E reads (the singlet combination which has the quark+antiquark sum in the forward limit):
Cn3/2 are Gegenbauer polynomials; Pl are Legendre polynomials; i is the quark flavor. The way to work with the above divergent series is to introduce the generating functions Qk and Rk (Shuvaev transform):
With this trick, the expressions for the GPDs become explicitly finite:
The expressions for the GPDs H and E
are organized as series in terms of xikQk.
Therefore, at sufficiently small xi, the series can be truncated.
Within the dual parameterization, the t-dependence of the GPDs should be modeled separately. Two models were considered:
The Compton form factors (CFFs) have a simple form in terms of the generating functions:
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