Dual parameterization of nucleon GPDs

V. Guzey and T. Teckentrup, Phys. Rev. D 74, 054027 (2006)
V. Guzey and T. Teckentrup, Phys. Rev. D. 79 , 017501 (2009) [arXiv:0810.3899 [hep-ph]]

Description of the model

Comparison to DVCS data

Compton Form Factors
of proton and neutron
(with downloads)

DVCS asymmetries
of proton and neutron
(with downloads)

Nuclear GPDs and nuclear
DVCS asymmetries (with downloads)

Back to V.Guzey at PNPI

DVCS asymmetries ALU, AC and AUT of proton and neutron

Using the dual parameterization of nucleon GPDs, we calculated the corresponding CFFs.
Combining those CFFs with the BMK expressions for DVCS asymmetries (A.V. Belitsky, D. Mueller and A. Kirchner, Nucl. Phys. B629 (2002) 323),
we obtained predictions for the ALU, AC and AUT DVCS asymmetries on the proton and neutron targets.

The table below contains links to the FORTRAN codes allowing to calculate ALU, AC and AUT for the proton and neutron for the kinematics covered by the grids for the CFFs: 0.01 < xB < 0.5, 1 < Q2 < 10 GeV2 and 0.005 < |t| < 1 GeV2, and for a wide range of Ju and Jd, -0.6 < Ju < 0.6 and -1 < Jd < 1.
The energy and the charge of the beam is specified by the user.
All commentaries related to the use of the codes are found in the codes.

Proton Neutron
Code for proton ALU
Code for proton AC
Code for proton AUT
Grid for the proton CFF H
Grids for the proton CFF E
Code for neutron ALU
Code for neutron AC
Code for neutron AUT
Grid for the neutron CFF H
Grids for the neutron CFF E