Hadron Physics Laboratory
Current projects and recent results
Collections of main scientific achievements:
PNPI HEPD 1971-1996,
PNPI HEPD 1997-2001,
PNPI HEPD 2002-2006,
PNPI HEPD 2007-2012,
PNPI 2010-2013,
PNPI 2014,
PNPI 2015,
PNPI 2016,
PNPI 2019,
(see the reports in the collection:
"PNPI HEPD 2013-2018" - (to "ATLAS" in pages 32-39, 217-223)
"ÎÔÂÝ ÏÈßÔ 2018-2022" - (to "ATLAS" in pages 26-35, 148-154)
- Assembly strip Thin Gap Chambers(sTGC).
The production of small-strip Thin Gap Chambers (sTGCs) for the muon system of the ATLAS experiment (NSW) is a complex technological process
separated into several stages. The most important of them are: preparation of the cathode boards,
sputtering of cathode boards with graphite, winding of anode wires,
assembly of a single chamber (GAP), doublets and quadruplets. Each
step of the construction process is followed by the numerious tests,
which include: high-voltage test, single chamber leakeage test, x-ray
and cosmic ray test.
These stages are presented on slides in
and photographs given in
Photo Gallery.
- Building a cooling system for a new internal detector tracker (Inner Tracker, ITk).