Current projects and recent results
(See also PNPI HEPD Reports:
Main Scientific Activities 2002-2006" - page
Main Scientific Activities 2007-2012"- pages 221, 227, 274, 278, 347.
Main Scientific Activities 2010-2013"- pages 79.
PNPI Scientific Highlights, 2014"- pages 96-97.
PNPI The main results of scientific activity, 2015"- pages 74, 101.
HEPD PNPI Report 2013-2018 "- pages 265, 274, 281, 336, 409.
HEPD PNPI Report 2018-2022
- Development of new experimental methods on efficient production of short-lived exotic nuclei far from the region of beta-stability.
( Eur. Phys. J. A 26, 147-150 (2005), Phys. Rev. C 61, 034304 (2000) )
- Investigations of the ground and isomer states of exotic nuclei by the nuclear and in-source laser ionization spectroscopy at ISOLDE (CERN) facility.
- Participation in the development of the target-ion source units for SPES (LNL, Italy) project.
- Participation in the development of a high temperature UC targets for the next generation ISOL facility SPIRAL-II (GANIL, France).
( Nucl. Instr. And Meth. In Phys. Research B 266 (2008) 4247, 4308 and 4318.)
- Investigation of spins, electromagnetic moments and charge radii of radioactive nuclei by laser spectroscopy (A. E. Barzakh et al., Changes in the mean square charge radii and electromagnetic moments of neutron-deficient Bi isotopes, AIP Conference Proceedings 1681, 030011, 2015).
- New developments at IRIS laboratory: