December 17 of 2024 year, 10:30 |
A.A. Dzyuba
CP-violation in decays of beauty hadrons.
December 10 of 2024 year, 10:30 |
D.V. Popov
(NRC KI) |
Reactor antineutrino spectra from KI Model: current status and recent results.
The report presents the current status of the reconstruction
of the reactor antineutrino spectra of uranium and plutonium
fission products based on the BETA experiment at theresearch
reactor IR-8 Kurchatov Institute. The scheme and methodology
of the experiment, the procedure for converting the measured
beta particles spectra into antineutrinospectra by the
conversion method are described, and a comparison with
the predictions of other models and the results of reactor
neutrino experiments is carried out. Based on the new data,
the calculation of the thermal energy of fission is presented.
December 5, 2024 year, 14:30 Joint Seminar HEPD - TPD |
M.N. Dubinin
Standard and sterile Majorana neutrinos in models with an extended lepton sector.
The mechanisms of neutrino mass generation are considered within the framework of the left-right chiral model
with the gauge group $SU(2)_L \times SU(2)_R \times U(1)$, (seesaw type II mechanism) and its limiting case -
the nuMSM model with the gauge group $SU(2)_L \times U(1)$ (seesaw type I mechanism),
the lepton sector of which is extended by three generations of sterile Majorana neutrinos.
The forms for the mixing matrices in the lepton sector and the corresponding admissible regions in
the parameter space of the models are determined, which are consistent with both experimental data on the search
for neutral heavy leptons in experiments with extracted beams and astrophysical observations in the case of direct
and inverse mass hierarchies of standard (active) neutrinos, as well as with restrictions for the Higgs sector.
December 3 of 2024 year, 10:30 |
Yu.G. Naryshkin
Observation of quantum entanglement in top-quark pairs
in the ATLAS and CMS experiments.
The quantum entanglement observations will be considered in the talk.
The study of spin correlations in the pair production of top
and anti-top quarks in proton-proton collisions with the center-of-mass
energy √s=13 TeV by the ATLAS and CMS experiments will be discussed.
November 28, 2024 year, 14:30 Joint Seminar HEPD - TPD |
A.B. Arbuzov
(BLTP JINR, Dubna) |
Physics at a future e+e- Z-boson factory.
The most valuable task for high-energy physics at future colliders is the study of the Standard Model (SM) features in detail.
That is required to resolve crucial problems of this model including the origin of the spontaneous symmetry breaking,
the metastability of the Higgs boson vacuum, the symmetry and mass hierarchy of three fermion generations, etc.
High statistics and advanced experimental accuracy at future Z factories can provide a substantially new level of the SM verification.
The physical program of such factories extends the studies performed at LEP because of higher statistics, modern detectors,
and advanced analysis techniques. All that challenges theory to provide adequately accurate SM predictions.
Those challenges and some recent developments are discussed. They are developed for high-precision studies
of electroweak physics at future electron-positron colliders.
November 26 of 2024 year, 10:30 |
P.B. Kravchenko
Search for Muon Catalyzed d+3He Fusion.
This report presents the results of an experiment
(PSI, Switzerland) aimed at observation of the
muon catalyzed d+3He fusion reaction which might
occur after a negative muon stop in the D2+3He
(HD+3He) gas mixture. The basic element of the
experimental setup is a Time Projection Chamber
(TPC), operated 31 K temperature, which can
detect the incoming muons and the products
of the fusion reaction.
November 19 of 2024 year, 10:30 |
(DLNP JINR, Dubna) |
Decade work results from the NOvA experiment.
The NOvA (NuMI Off-Axis Electron Neutrino Appearance)
experiment is a long-baseline neutrino experiment
designed to study neutrino oscillations and
fundamental neutrino properties. NOvA is located
at Fermilab in Illinois and consists of two
identical highly-segmented liquid scintillator
detectors: the Near Detector, situated near
the neutrino source at NuMI (Neutrinos at the
Main Injector) beam complex, and the Far Detector,
located about 810 km away in Minnesota.
By comparing the neutrino interactions
in these two detectors, NOvA can observe
neutrino oscillations over a long baseline,
which enables investigation into several
key questions, including neutrino mass
hierarchy, CP-violation in the lepton sector,
and neutrino oscillation parameters.
NOvA also provides data for understanding
neutrino interactions with matter, measuring
neutrino cross-section, and searches
for exotic phenomena such as sterile neutrinos,
dark matter, magnetic monopoles and allows
monitoring signals from space and atmosphere,
for example, supernova neutrinos,
gravitational waves, atmospheric neutrinos
and muons. In this talk we summarise decade
work results from the NOvA experiment
and outline plans for the future.
November 12 of 2024 year, 10:30 |
Shaginyan V.R.
Violation of time reversal and baryon symmetry.
We discuss two phenomena: asymmetric conductivity in solids with strongly
correlated fermions and baryon asymmetry in the Universe. Effective
theories of gravity, even their quantum versions, cannot explain baryon
asymmetry, the existence of the arrow of time, and the high entropy of the
November 5 of 2024 year, 10:30 |
Derbin A.V.
Experimental searches for solar axions.
Axions solve the strong CP-problem and are well-motivated candidates
for the role of dark matter particles. The expected fluxes and
spectra of solar axions, the basic reactions of the production
and detections of axions, and the main results of the search
for axions and axion-like particles are presented. Experiments
on the conversion of solar axions into photons in a laboratory
magnetic field, the resonant absorption of solar axions by atomic nuclei,
and the axioelectric effect in atoms are discussed in more detail.
October 31, 2024 year, 14:30 Joint Seminar HEPD - TPD |
Yubing Dong
(IHEP CAS, Bejing) |
Hadronic exotics: molecular and compact scenarios.
A short review on the hadron exotics of XYZ particles is given.
Those new structures are near threshold with narrow widths
and contain heavy flavor. Then, the molecular scenario, in the hadronic
degrees of freedom, is employed to understand their decay properties.
Finally, the new observed non-strange hexaquark state is discussed as well.
It is far from threshold with small width and it is expected to be compact in
the framework of quark degrees of freedom.
October 29 of 2024 year, 10:30 |
Mitropolsky I. A.
In the work, the magnetic moments of the ground states
of atomic nuclei are studied without the involvement
of artificial intelligence. A database of properties
of all nuclear states with experimentally determined
magnetic moments has been created for further study
and analysis. At the first stage, the systematics of
nuclear magnetic moments was carried out both in
magnitude and in mass number A, charge Z, number
of neutrons N and the spin of the nuclear state.
On the basis of a single-particle model, the magnetic
moments of the ground states of all A-odd nuclei
are systematized. The magnetic moments of light
and near-magical A-odd nuclei are described on
the basis of a single-particle model with spherical symmetry.
The configurations, spins, and magnetic moments
of the ground states of odd-odd nuclei are estimated
based on the model of independent particles. Two methods
for calculating the magnetic moments of odd-odd nuclei
are proposed: using single-particle calculated values
or using experimental values in neighboring A-odd nuclei.
The quadrupole deformation shifts the magnetic moments
of the A-odd nuclei to the region between the limit values
corresponding to the spherical symmetry of the nucleus.
This qualitative observation is confirmed by shell
calculations of magnetic moments.
October 22 of 2024 year, 10:30 |
Andrey Ye. Shevel
Machine Learning prototype platform.
It is planned to describe the use of machine learning (ML) technology for data analysis in High Energy Physics. Briefly outline the contributions of the 2024 Nobel laureates to physics research.
The contemporary development of large language models using artificial neural networks is reviewed. The technical features of the developed platform are described,
as well as arguments in favor of the effectiveness of using the platform for developers. The platform is developed using a language model of
a special architecture "Retrieval Augmented Generation". The presentation claims that such platforms will become an integral part of every development
in the foreseeable future. A demonstration of the real functioning of the platform is planned.
October 17, 2024 year, 14:30 Joint Seminar HEPD - TPD |
B.I. Ermolaev
(A.I. Ioffe PTI RAS) |
Present state of the proton spin problem.
Proton is a composite particle, so its spin (= 1/2) is expected to be the sum of spins of the constituents of the proton.
However, European Muon Collaboration stated in 1988 that there is a big discrepancy between the proton spin
and the sum of spins of the partons (quarks and gluons). This result was so unexpected that it was named
Proton Spin Puzzle aka Proton Spin Crisis. I discuss the present state of this problem and ways to solve it.
October 15 of 2024 year, 10:30 |
Solovyev D.A.
Nonresonant effects in precision atomic spectroscopy.
October 10, 2024 year, 14:30 Joint Seminar HEPD - TPD |
A.P. Serebrov
Analysis of experimental data on neutron decay for the possibility of the existence of the right vector boson 𝑾𝑹.
The analysis of the latest most accurate experimental data on neutron decay for the possibility of the existence of the right
vector boson 𝑾𝑹 was carried out. As the result of the analysis, it was found that there is an indication of the existence of the right
vector boson 𝑾𝑹 with a mass of 𝑀𝑾𝑹 = 304± 2822 GeV and a mixing angle with 𝑊𝐿: 𝜁 = −0.038 ± 0.014. This result should be
considered, on the one hand, as a challenge to experimental physics at colliders, where the lower limit on the mass of the right
vector boson 𝑾𝑹 is significantly higher, and on the other hand, it indicates the need for even more accurate measurements of
neutron decay and its theoretical analysis. Possible consequences are considered, assuming that the result can be confirmed. First,
an extension of the Standard Model by introducing right vector bosons 𝑾𝑹±, 𝑍𝑹 and right neutrinos would be required.
Second, right neutrinos can be considered as candidates for dark matter.
October 08 of 2024 year, 10:30 |
I.B. Smirnov
Reconstruction of spatial resolution of multilayer position-sensitive detectors.
Mathematical methods for reconstructing the spatial resolution
inherent to position-sensitive detectors of fast charged particles
are considered. The resolution is reconstructed from experimental data.
The methods should be used for detectors consisting of a small number
of detecting layers without reference detectors.
The assumption of similarity of layers is not used.
The proposed method allows the user to obtain
either the individual resolution of each layer or
the mean squared resolutions of all layers or their combinations,
when the individual resolutions cannot be obtained.
October 3, 2024 year, 14:30 Joint Seminar HEPD - TPD |
M.G. Ryskin
Multiplicity distributions in the eikonal and the U -matrix unitarization schemes.
The multiplicity distribution of charged particles produced in the central rapidity (|η| < 2.5) region is calculated for the eikonal and the U -matrix unitarization schemes using
the AGK cutting rules and compared with the ATLAS 13 TeV data. The data favours the eikonal approach.
October 01 of 2024 year, 10:30 |
Murin Yu. A.
(LHEP JINR, Dubna) for the NICA MPD ITS Consortium |
The NICA MPD ITS project current status and perspectives.
Current status, bottlenecks and ways undertaken to overcome them will be reviewed for
all work packages of the NICA MPD MAPS vertex detector project managed as joint effort
of Russian and Chinese teams united under the name of the NICA MPD ITS Consortium.
September 26, 2024 year, 11:00 Joint Seminar HEPD - TPD |
I.V. Voronchikhin
(Tomsk Polytechnic University) |
Productuon of dark matter mediators at fixed target experiments.
We derive the bounds on dark matter parameter space from the absence of the signal events on dark matter
spin-0 and spin-2 mediators in the electron beam fixed target experiments. We also discuss the impact of
atomic form-factor parametrization on the total production cross-section of the mediators. The resonant
productions of mediators are discussed for the annihilation of electrons on thesecondary positrons
of the electromagnetic shower. For the lepton-specific scalar mediator the thermal target curves are derived
for scalar, Majorana, Dirac and vector dark matter.
(based on the PhD thesis).
September 24 of 2024 year, 10:30 |
Arutyunova A.Yu.
Preparation of an experiment "Compton scattering
from hydrogen and helium nuclei using an active target".
The results of the work aimed at preparing
for the Compton scattering experiment from
hydrogen and helium to obtain the value of
the polarizability of nucleons will be presented.
Compton scattering studies are supposed to
be performed using active targets
(ACTAF2, COMPTON ionization chambers). The errors
of measuring the polarizabilities of
the proton were analyzed, as well as the study
and calibration of electronics were performed.
Using an active target (ACTAF2), electron
drift velocities in various gases –
Ar, He, He+5%N2, energy spectra of alpha
particles (Am-241) were measured,
the energy of electron-ion pair formation
was determined and the energy scale was calibrated.
September 24 of 2024 year, 10:30 |
Larionov V.E.
Polarized gas targets within the framework of a project studying nuclear fusion at energies up to 100 keV.
The present work is dedicated to the development and
optimization of a polarized atomic beam source.
This work is carried out within the framework
of the nuclear-physical experiment PolFusion,
which aims to study fusion reactions 2H (d, p) 3H
and 2H (d, n) 3He with polarization of the initial
particles in the low-energy range up to 100 keV.
The work includes the following stages:
the development of a dissociator and a beam formation system,
modeling of the polarizer using the Monte Carlo method,
and the optimization of the polarized atomic beam source.
September 17 of 2024 year, 10:30 |
Rozhdestvensky A. Yu.
Development of a system of scintillation detectors
for space radiation suppression in the experiment
aims to study dd-fusion reactions
with the low beam energy (PolFusion).
Work will be presented on the development of a system of scintillation detectors
for space radiation suppression in the experiment aims to study dd-fusion reactions
with the low beam energy (PolFusion).
The work includes the following stages: modeling of the central detector system
of the PolFusion experiment and the scintillation detector system, development of the design
of the scintillation detector system and the results of test measurements of cosmic radiation.
September 17 of 2024 year, 10:30 |
Burmasov N.A.
Coherent vector meson photoproduction and dimuon
continuum production with the ALICE experiment at the LHC.
Ultraperipheral collisions of heavy ions provide a unique opportunity for analysis
of two-photon and photonuclear interactions in a clean environment, with hadronic
interactions being supressed. Coherent vector meson production is of particular interest,
as it can be used to probe nuclear parton density functions at very low Bjorken-x.
In addition, continuum dilepton production may allow testing equivalent photon approximation
formalism for description of strong electromagnetic fields emitted by ultrarelativistic heavy ions.
The ALICE experiment has switched to continuous readout mode in Run 3, which improved reconstruction
efficiency of vector mesons and enabled measuring dimuon continuum in the previously unavailable
low-mass region. In this talk, preliminary results of analysis of coherent vector meson production
and continuum dimuon production with the ALICE muon spectrometer will be discussed and
compared with theoretical predictions.
July 2 of 2024 year, 10:30 |
M.Yu. Malyshev
The Light Front Approach to QCD.
In the framework of the light front approach to QCD, effective models
for describing the mass spectrum of mesons and baryons, as well as
their electromagnetic form factors, are considered.
June 25 of 2024 year, 10:30 |
A.Ye. Shevel
Computing infrastructure in high energy physics experiments (survey of the spring HEPIX-2024 April 15-19 2024).
The reported intends to review the scientific program of the workshop
with emphasize following topics: trends in laboratory computing resources,
Linus distributives status and future, renovations in laboratory computing infrastructure,
nearest future in computing components, relation to our local circumstances.
June 18 of 2024 year, 10:30 |
A.M. Zaitsev
(IHEP, Serpukhov) |
Experiments at U-70 Accelerator Complex (Serpukhov).
The U-70 accelerator complex is used for experiments on a wide range of high-energy physics problems:
- kaon decays;
- hadron spectroscopy;
- relativistic nuclear physics;
- spin physics.
The objectives of the research, characteristics of the beams and basic installations,
the main experimental results and research plans for the near future are presented.
June 13, 2024 year, 14:30 Joint Seminar HEPD - TPD |
A.P. Serebrov
Analysis of experimental data on neutron decay for the possibility of the existence of a right-handed gauge vector boson.
June 11 of 2024 year, 10:30 |
M.V. Tokarev
(JINR, Dubna) |
Z-scaling: status and perspectives.
The present state of the z-scaling of hadron production in high energy
proton and nucleus collisions is briefly reviewed. The basic concepts
of the approach such as self-similarity, locality and fractality
reflecting general features of particle interactions are discussed. Some
results of analysis of hadron production in pp and AA collisions
obtained in the framework of z-scaling are presented. The properties of
data z-presentation for systematic analysis of inclusive cross sections
over a wide range of collision energies, multiplicity densities,
transverse momenta, and angles of various particles are discussed. A
microscopic scenario of hadron production in terms of momentum fractions
of colliding objects and scattered constituent is proposed. Physical
interpretation of the model parameters – structural and fragmentation
fractal dimensions and “specific heat”, is given. Universality of
the form of the scaling function is discussed. Fractal entropy taking
into account the structure of colliding and produced objects is
considered. The notion of fractal cumulativity is introduced and a new
conservation law for this quantity is formulated. Non-trivial dependence
of the fractal entropy on the collision energy with decreasing
transverse momentum was found. The corresponding irregularity of the
specific heat is associated with possible indication of phase transition
in nuclear matter. Experimental verification and development of the
z-scaling are discussed.
June 04 of 2024 year, 14:30 |
O.V. Teryaev
(JINR, Dubna) |
Polarization in Reactions with Hadrons and Heavy Ions: Similarity and Distinction.
The mechanism of baryon and vector meson polarization in pp, dd and AA collisions are compared.
The sources of T-odd spin effects in T-invariant theories (like QCD) and possible interplay
between them are discussed. The anomalous and thermodynamical polarization mechanisms in heavy-ion
collisions lead to the effects of the same order but may be distinguished provided the data
for various hyperons are available. The tensor polarization, contrary to the vector one,
does not require the P-odd sources and may be related to entanglement of quarks and antiquarks.
May 30, 2024 year, 14:30 Joint Seminar HEPD - TPD |
A. Dzyuba
Hidden charm pentaquarks.
The contribution will provide an overview of the experimental evidence on hidden charm pentaquarks.
Such states were discovered by the LHCb experiment in the decays of beauty particles. In addition to LHCb measurements, experimental studies
performed by the Belle and GlueX collaborations will be discussed.
May 28 of 2024 year, 10:30 |
G.А. Feofilov
(SPbGU, Sankt-Petersburg) |
Recent Highlights on Hadron Collisions with ALICE at the LHC.
The overview includes several recent experimental observations by the ALICE collaboration
in studies of a strongly interacting matter formed in ultrarelativistic Pb-Pb collisions at the LHC,
as well as intriguing similarities in small systems like p-Pb and pp. Results on the medium effects
on strange and charm particle yields, the shape of jets, the production of light (anti)(hyper)nuclei,
and the residual strong interaction between strange, charm, and light hadrons are presented.
The challenges encountered for Run 3 and the new perspectives of beauty and multi-charm studies
in future Runs 4 and 5 are also discussed.
May 23, 2024 year, 11:00 Joint Seminar HEPD - TPD |
D.V. Karlovets
(ITMO University) |
Twisted particles: generation and potential applications in quantum physics.
A review will be given of a relatively new but rapidly developing field at the intersection of quantum and neutron optics,
electron microscopy and high-energy physics -- physics of massive "twisted" particles with orbital momentum: electrons,
protons, neutrons, etc. Thanks to other selection rules when interacting with particles, fields and matter, in a number
of problems particles in such quantum states can be used instead of spin-polarized particles; in other problems - especially
for cold neutrons - they allow new experiments in QED and nuclear physics and obtain information not available
with conventional plane-wave beams. I will also discuss the possibilities of generating such particles at high energy accelerators,
incl. at JINR, and prospects for their use for high energy physics.
May 21 of 2024 year, 14:30 |
N.P. Tkachenko
(IHEP, Serpukhov) |
ATLAS and TOTEM: comments on assumed differential cross section oscillations at 13 TeV.
Questions about the possible existence of oscillations at an energy of
13 TeV are considered in detail on the basis of a general model for
describing differential cross sections in wide regions of energy changes
and momentum transfer, published earlier in the PDG. It is shown that,
given the available experimental data, raising the question of searching
for such a subtle effect is premature.
May 14 of 2024 year, 10:30 |
Gao Jie
(IHEP, China) |
CEPC-SppC general status and perspectives.
In this talk we will give the general trend of high energy physics development worldwide,
and detailed CEPC-SppC development status. Future perspective about the CEPC construction
and timeline will be presented.
April 25, 2024 year, 11:00 Joint Seminar HEPD - TPD |
A.V. Nefediev
(P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences) |
Nature and properties of the doubly charmed exotic state Tcc+ in experiment and on a lattice.
April 23 of 2024 year, 10:30 |
Yu.G. Kudenko
(INR of RAS, Moskow) |
Neutrino Physics: Modern Status, Anomalies, Perspectives.
Review of modern status of neutrino physics is presented in the talk.
April 16 of 2024 year, 10:30 |
А. L. Getalov
Bacterial nano-ferrihydrite.
Magnetic nanomaterials find the widest application. Current methods for
chemical synthesis of nanoparticles are energy-intensive and use toxic
chemicals, limiting biomedical applications. A promising new direction
in this field is the use of biological objects for the production of
inorganic nanoscale particles. Ferrihydrite nanoparticles (Fe2O3 * nH2O),
synthesized by Klebsiella oxytoca bacteria during biomineralization of
iron salt solutions from the culture medium, exhibit unique magnetic
properties: they are characterized by antiferromagnetic order inherent
in bulk ferrihydrite and spontaneous magnetic moment due to spin
decompensation in nanoparticle sublattices. In the reviewed article, the
authors from Krasnoyarsk investigated magnetic interparticle
interactions and superparamagnetic blocking of powder systems of
biogenic ferrihydrite nanoparticles using magnetometry and Mössbauer
spectrometry. Two powder systems of nanoparticles were studied - biogenic
ferrihydrite (average size 2.7 nm) and ferrihydrite, which underwent
low-temperature annealing, as a result of which the average particle
size (3.8 nm) increased and the organic shell burned out.
April 11, 2024 year, 14:30 Joint Seminar HEPD - TPD |
D.G. Levkov
Light bosonic Dark Matter and axion stars.
In the overview part of the talk I will discuss light bosonic
(axion-like) Dark Matter. I will mention the models that predict
the existence of light (pseudo)scalars, I will explain how such particles
could have been produced in the early Universe and formed Dark Matter,
and how they are searched experimentally.
After this I will go into more detail about compact objects consisting
of light Dark Matter - miniclusters and axion stars.
April 2 of 2024 year, 10:30 |
I. А. Alexandrov
(SPbU) |
Schwinger's mechanism and vacuum photon emission.
In this talk, we will address the present status of theoretical and experimental investigations
concerning the Schwinger mechanism of spontaneous electron-positron pair production from vacuum
in strong electromagnetic backgrounds. This phenomenon is closely related to the vacuum emission
of soft photons and also high-harmonic generation. We will discuss these effects and draw an explicit
analogy between strong-field QED and atomic physics.
March 26 of 2024 year, 10:30 |
Trigger system of the MPD experiment at NICA collider.
The features of the trigger system of the MPD experiment at NICA collider
are discussed in comparison with other experiments studying collisions
of heavy relativistic nuclei. The results of a systematic study of capabilities
of the trigger system of the MPD experiment in the collider mode to select events
in collisions of light, intermediate masses and heavy nuclei at the energies
of the NICA collider are presented.
March 14, 2024 year, 14:30 Joint Seminar HEPD - TPD |
M.G. Ryskin
(PNPI) |
Oscillations in elastic high energy amplitude.
A weak (~ 1%) oscillations observed by TOTEM in elastic pp-scattering at 13 TeV correspond to the impact parameter b ~ 6-8 fm !
Theoretically the oscillations due to interference between the multi Pomeron exchange diagrams (analogous to the diffraction
on black disk) were predicted in early 1970th however now the oscillations take place at |t| smaller than the first diffractive dip.
IF this oscillations will be confirmed by ATLAS (?) this will be the qualitatively new phenomena.
March 12 of 2024 year, 10:30 |
S.V. Evdokimov
(IHEP, Serpukhov) |
Investigation of Neutral States Created in Meson-Nucleus Interactions in Hyperon-M Experiment.
March 05 of 2024 year, 10:30 |
A.A. Dzyuba
Precision measurement of CP violation parameters in decays of B mesons at LHCb.
IIn the Standard Model of particle physics, CP invariance is violated in the quark sector.
This effect is associated with a non-zero complex phase of the elements of the unitary
quark mixing matrix. It is expected that manifestations of New Physics beyond
the Standard Model are related to noticeable violations of CP symmetry. Therefore,
one of the strategies for searching for such effects is based on precision measurements
of mixing matrix elements (or their ratios) and testing of its unitarity. The LHCb experiment
performs these studies by examining the characteristics of beauty mesons decays. The results
of precision measurements of CP violation parameters φs and sin(2β) [1,2] will be discussed.
1. Phys. Rev. Lett. 132 (2024) 021801
2. Phys. Rev. Lett. 132 (2024) 051802
February 29, 2024 year, 14:30 Joint Seminar HEPD - TPD |
Igor Strakovsky
(GWU) |
Search for Θ⁺ in К⁰p→K⁺n Reaction with JLab KLF.
February 27 of 2024 year, 10:30 |
I.A. Mitropolsky
Compact neutron sources: DARIA vs NG.
In addition to S.V.Grigoriev's report, a brief review of
compact neutron sources is provided. Attention is focused
on the characteristics of neutron generators and their applications.
February 22, 2024 year, 11:00 Joint Seminar HEPD - TPD |
A.P. Serebrov
Sterile neutrinos, dark matter, Standard Model with right-handed neutrinos, neutrino mass hierarchy and CP violation.
February 20 of 2024 year, 10:30 |
A.E. Ezhilov
Precision measurement of Z boson transverse-momentum spectrum in proton-proton collision with 13 TeV in ATLAS experiment.
This talk describes precision measurements of the transverse-momentum
distribution of lepton pairs using the 2015-2016 data of the
pp collisions at 13 TeV collected with the ATLAS detector at LHC. The
comparison with the different theoretical predictions are also presented.
February 15, 2024 year, 14:30 Joint Seminar HEPD - TPD |
Logashenko Ivan
(on behalf of CMD-3 collaboration) BINP (Novosibirsk) |
Measurement of e+e-→π+π- cross section by CMD-3 and its implications to hadronic contribution to muon (g-2).
February 13 of 2024 year, 10:30 |
S.V. Grigoriev
DARIA compact neutron source project for research by neutron scattering methods
The world's leading neutron research centers are currently developing
new generation neutron sources for research in the field of condensed
matter physics. Compact neutron sources are designed to replace
obsolete low- and medium-power reactors and open up opportunities
for creating neutron scattering laboratories in scientific organizations
and universities. Such a source initially yields neutron flux several
orders of magnitude lower as compared to a large accelerator-type source;
however, a significant part of these losses can be compensated by increasing
the capture aperture and deep optimization of the instrument, including adapting
the parameters of the accelerator, target and moderator to the needs of each
specific installation using the source individually. We present a Russian
initiative to create such a source - the DARIA project (compact neutron source
Dedicated to Academic Research and Industrial Applications). The goal of the project
is to develop and create first a prototype and then a network of compact
neutron sources for the needs of neutron scattering.
February 06 of 2024 year, 10:30 |
(IHEP, Serpukhov) |
АTLAS & TOTEM: √s = 13 TeV. Results or half-finished products?
Detailed discussions of extracеed basic «forward» parameters
ρ=ReT_N (s,t=0)/ImT_N (s,t=0), σ_tot= Im T_N (s,t=0), B={∂/∂t [dσ/dt]/[dσ/dt]}_(t=0)
from the data, obtained by ТОТЕМ and ATLAS collaborations at √s=13 ТeV,
in the Coulomb-nuclear interference region are presented.
February 1, 2024, 14:30 Joint Seminar HEPD - TPD |
M.M. Kirsanov
Recent results and plans of the NA64 experiment at the CERN SPS.
Thermal dark matter models with particle masses below the electroweak scale can provide an explanation for the observed relic dark matter density. This would imply the existence of a new feeble interaction between the dark and ordinary matter. The main purpose of the NA64 experiment is a search for sub-GeV dark matter production using the method of missing energy signature. The searches are performed at the H4 beam line at the CERN SPS. This line is mainly designed to provide 100 GeV electron beam. The analyzed statistics corresponds to $9.37\times10^{11}$ electrons on target (EOT) collected during 2016-2022 runs. The analysis of this statistics allowed us to probe for the first time the well motivated region of parameter space of benchmark thermal scalar and fermionic dark matter models. Additional statistics of about $6\times10^{11}$ was collected in the 2023 run. In addition to the main 100 GeV electron-beam measurement, NA64 is also developing a positron-beam program with several runs at different energies, to explore the ~ 100 MeV mediator mass range by exploiting LDM production via resonant $e^+e^-$ annihilation. This search is also supported by a dedicated ERC project, the "POsitron resonant annihilation intO dark mattER" (POKER) project, lead by INFN-Genova. An early test run already demonstrated the feasibility of the new technique, allowing to set competitive new limits in a limited mass region despite the much lower accumulated statistics.
The variant of the NA64 detector for the searches of DM in the muon beam, called NA64mu, is also developed. It uses part of subdetectors of NA64e and a number of additional subdetectors. The purpose is to search for DM coupled only to second and third generations of leptons, suggested to explain the (g-2) anomaly and to improve sensitivity in the region of mediator masses above ~300 MeV. NA64 performed and plans also a number of other searches, such as the search for ALP coupled to gammas, search for X boson decaying to electrons, search of DM in the hadron beams, search for mu - tau conversion.
January 30 of 2024 year, 10:30 |
A.I. L'vov
(P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute of RAN, Moscow) |
Compton Effect and Nucleon Polarizability.
January 23 of 2024 year, 10:30 |
S.I. Vorobyov
(HEPD, PNPI NRC KI, Gatchina) |
μSR-investigations of materials with various types of putting
in magnetic order at muon channel of synchrocyclotron SC-1000.
January 18, 2024, 11:00 Joint Seminar HEPD - TPD |
D.S. Gorbunov
Models with light particles of Dark Matter.
Traditionally, models of Dark Matter are divided according to the mechanism of particle creation into thermal
and non-thermal. An example of the first is WIMPs. The second class is much richer. Using the simplest example
of a scalar massive particle, we will discuss several mechanisms for the creation of Dark Matter particles.
Then we'll look at some realistic models whose predictions are being tested in modern particle physics experiments.