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Prizes    and    awards    HEPD
BOOKLET   "High Energy Physics Division PNPI. Main scientific activities."  (.pdf = 2,52 Mb)

  • Yu.N.Novikov.
    International Prize Academician GN Flerova in nuclear physics in 2013 for his outstanding contribution to the development of high-precision spectroscopy based on Penning traps.

  • A.A.Vorobev.
    Prize AF Joffe was awarded in 2003 for a series of experimental studies of the muon capture and muon catalyzed fusion.

  • V.M.Samsonov, AI Smirnov.
    State Prize of the Russian Federation in 1996 for the creation of new methods of high-energy particle beams in accelerators using bent crystals and their implementation.

  • P.V.Neustroev, V.I.Kadashevich, Yu.F.Ryabov.
    Award of the Council of Ministers of the USSR in 1985 for the development of an international standard based on CAMAC and organization of production equipment for the creation of automation systems of scientific and technical research.

  • A.A.Vorobev.
    USSR State Prize in 1983 for his work "The diffraction scattering of protons at high energies."

  • Prize I.V. Kurchatov Research Center "Kurchatov Institute":     2016;    2014;

  • Prize them. Academician A.P. Alexandrov Research Center "Kurchatov Institute":     2016;    2015;

  • Yu.N.Novikov (November 09, 2020) - A scientist from the National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute" - PNPI was one of the first to become one of the leading reviewers of IOP Publishing, a well-known world scientific publishing house: Head of the Laboratory of Physics of Exotic Nuclei of the High Energy Physics Division of the National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute" - PNPI, Professor Yu.N. Novikov received the status of a trusted reviewer of a leading scientific publishing house. Yuri Nikolaevich received it one of the first in this established nomination based on the results of the rating and without any confirming trainings and certificates. (see Diploma)

  • A.Yu. Arutyunova (February 06, 2025) - Scholarship named after A.A. Vorobyov for his work in the field of high-energy physics and elementary particle physics was awarded to Anastasia Yuryevna, research assistant at the Laboratory of Baryonic Physics of the Department of High-Energy Physics Arutyunova for the work "Study of Compton scattering on hydrogen and helium nuclei using an active target." (see details)

  • Burmasov N.A. (February 08, 2023) - At the beginning of the year, a research assistant at the Laboratory of Relativistic Nuclear Physics of the Department of High Energy Physics, Nazar Alekseevich Burmasov, was awarded a scholarship named after A.A. Vorobyov for his work in the field of high-energy physics and elementary particle physics. His work “Study of photon-photon and photon-nucleus interactions in ultra-peripheral collisions of nuclei at the LHC collider” was recognized as worthy of such recognition. (see details)

  • Ya.A. Berdnikov. (December 11, 2023) - Yaroslav Aleksandrovich Berdnikov – senior researcher at the Laboratory of Relativistic Nuclear Physics of the Department of High Energy Physics of the National Research Center “Kurchatov Institute” - PNPI, professor at the Higher School of Fundamental Physical Research of the Physico-Mechanical Institute of the St. Petersburg Polytechnic Institute named after. Peter the Great - received the title of Honored Worker of Higher School of the Russian Federation. The corresponding decree was signed on December 4 by the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin. (see details)

  • Denis Pudzha. (February 08, 2023) - The names of the recipients of nominal scholarships for young scientists have been announced after. A.A. Vorobyov for work in the field of high energy physics and elementary particle physics was Denis Pudzha, laboratory research assistant of the Department of High Energy Physics for the work “Modernization of the front part of the muon spectrometer of the ATLAS detector”. (see details)

  • G.D.Alkhazov. For a great contribution to the development of science, engineering and technology, many years of conscientious work by the Certificate of Honor of the Government of the Russian Federationin in 2022, Professor, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Honorary Worker of Science and Technology of the Russian Federation Georgy Dmitrievich Alkhazov, Chief Researcher of the Laboratory of Elementary Particle Physics of the Department of High Energy Physics of the National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute" - PNPI was awarded. ( See details)

  • Victor G. Riabov. For the first time, a scientist of the St. Petersburg Institute of Nuclear Physics was awarded the honorary title of "Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences". Viktor Ryabov, Leading Researcher of the Department of High Energy Physics, National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute" - PNPI, became a professor at the Russian Academy of Sciences. The honorary academic title awarded by the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences for scientific achievements at the national or international level, as well as for active participation in the implementation of the main tasks and functions of the Academy, was awarded by the decision of the Russian Academy of Sciences in May 2022. (See details).

  • Young scientists of the National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute" - PNPI will receive a scholarship named after A.A. Vorobiev. The decision to establish another, fifth, nominal scholarship to encourage the creative activity of young scientists in the field of high energy physics and elementary particle physics was taken by the scientific directorate in December 2021, and
    shortly before A.A. Vorobiev issued an appropriate order. It should be reminded that nominal scholarships are established in recognition of scientific merits and in memory of outstanding scientists, whose activities were inextricably linked with the National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute" - PNPI.

  • Scholarship named after V.M. Lobasheva National Research Center "KI" for HEPD 2022 for work in the field of nuclear physics was awarded to laboratory assistant-researcher of the laboratory of baryon physics of the Department of High Energy Physics Vladimir Chulikov for the work "Studying the production of charmed baryons in the interaction of high-energy protons."

  • The results of the annual competition for nominal scientific scholarships for young scientists and specialists of the National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute" - PNPI for 2021 have been summed up. V.M. Lobasheva for work in the field of nuclear physics was awarded to two young researchers at once: senior laboratory assistant of the High Energy Physics Department D.E. Sosnov for his work "The first measurement of proton-nuclear diffraction processes at the Large Hadron Collider."

  • For young scientists and specialists of the Institute, demonstrating significant success in scientific research, personal scholarships were established in recognition of the merits and in memory of the outstanding scientists S.E. Bresler, V.N. Gribova, G.M. Drabkin and V.M. Lobashev, whose scientific activity was inextricably linked with the Institute. In 2019 received a scholarship to them. V.M. Lobasheva - Nasybulin Sergey Adgamovich , laboratory assistant-researcher, HHEP ("Investigation of diffraction processes in the central region on the CMS detector at LHC energies").

  • In accordance with the decree of the Governor of the Leningrad Region of December 25, 2019 for his contribution to the development of science and technology, the personalized scholarships of the Governor of the Leningrad Region in 2020-2021. will receive monthly -
    acting Head of the Laboratory of Meson Physics of Condensed Matter of HEPD S.I. Vorobiev,
    Deputy Head of the Laboratory of Short-lived Cores of HEPD D.V. Fedorov,
    Researcher of HEPD K.A. Ivshin.

  • P.V.Kravchenko and M.D.Seliverstov   -   In accordance with the decree of the Governor of the Leningrad Region of February 9, 2018, according to the results of the contest held in 2017, personal scientific scholarships were awarded. The employees of the HEPD PNPI became scholarship holders for 2018-2019 in the category of "Leading Scientists".

  • Kuznetsova E.V.   -   The annual award of the international collaboration CMS for the best work on the CMS detector in 2017.

  • Panteleev V.N.   -   Awarded the title of “Honorary Worker of Science and Technology of the Russian Federation” for merits in the field of science and technology.

  • Gavrilov G.E. and Bochin B.V.   -   Certificate of appreciation for conscientious work in connection with the 75th anniversary of the Kurchatov Institute.


NRC "Kurchatov Institute"  •   Russian Academy of Sciences  •   Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute
  •   High Energy Physics Division   •   Neutron Research Department   •   Molecular and Radiation Biophysics Department
  •   Theoretical Physics Division   •   Infrastructure Departments

Last update on:   by   Svetlana F. Udalova