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Seminars, 2012
Upgrade of the L1 Muon Trigger for CMS.
( LU-L1MuonUpgrade.pdf = 4,2 Mb) - L.N.Uvarov
Experiment PANDA.
(S.L.Belostotski - belostot_4.pdf = 4,2 Mb and
A.A.Izotov - Izotov260313.pdf = 1,6 Mb)
Latest results from Large Hadron Collider (moriond conference updates) and PNPI participation in the modernization program of collider detectors.
(A.A.Vorobyov - LHCb_Moriond_2013.pdf = 1,8 Mb and
V.T.Kim - kim_hepd_18march2013.pdf = 3,3 Mb)
Gas-discharge micro-detectors of new generation. Basic principles of work, creation and perspectives of micro-detector production at PNPI.
( kudin_5.03.2013.pdf = 4,7 Mb) - L.G.Kudin
Polarizability of nucleon. Status of PNPI-IKP experiment at the electron accelerator S-DALINAC (Darmstadt, Germany).
( Maev_report.pdf = 4,5 Mb) - E.M.Maev
Possible experiment on the test of time-reversal invariance in pd scattering at COSY (Julich).
( TRIC_seminarHEPD_29Jan2013.pdf = 0,4 Mb) - S.G.Barsov
New results collaborations CBELSA / TAPS (Bonn) and the Crystal Ball at MAMI, TAPS/ and A2 (Mainz).
( Dokl5_18_12.pdf = 2,3 Mb) - V.V.Sumachev, A.B.Gridnev
Investigation of delayed fission and shape coexistence in thallium, astatine, and gold nuclei (ISOLDE, CERN).
( sem_Dec_12.pdf = 3,1 Mb) - A.E.Barzakh
Neutrino projet LAGUNA. Status and possible participation of PNPI.
(A.A.Vorobyov - Laguna_seminar_27.11.2012.pdf = 1,1 Mb и
S.V.Kocyanenko - kosianenko_27_11_12.pdf = 1,45 Mb)
Recent update of the LHC data on search for Higgs boson.
( kim_hepd_tpd_nov2012.pdf = 12,8 Mb) - V.T.Kim
Short presentation by A.A.Vorobyov News from LHCb
( Bs(d)mumu_13_nov2012.pdf = 1,2 Mb) - A.A.Vorobyov
Investigation of metal-carbon composites.
( tikhonov_13_nov2012.pdf = 0,9 Mb) - V.I.Tikhonov
Search for sterile neutrino. PNPI project "Neutrino-4" and status of other projects.
( Serebrov-6.11.2012.pdf = 41,9 Mb ) - A.P.Serebrov,
and Discussion:
"О соотношении вероятности исчезновения реакторных антинейтрино и вероятности появления электронных антинейтрино в пучке мюонных антинейтрино".
( Discussion.pdf = 0,3 Mb) - A.P.Serebrov
The main results of the LHCb experiment.
( 2012-10-30_talk.pdf = 5,2 Mb) - A.A.Dzuba
Precision Measurement of the Rate of Muon Capture in Hydrogen and Determination of the Proton's Pseudoscalar Form Factor.
( Maev_Seminar.pdf = 3,5 Mb) - E.M.Maev
The problem of termination of the fuel cycle in nuclear reactors.
( Proriv.pdf = 1,4 Mb) - M.S.Onegin
Нарушение С, Р, Т симметрий при интерференции спинзависимых амплитуд рассеяния нейтронов.
( Lukashevich_02.10.2012.pdf = 0,9 Mb) - V.V.Lukashevich
Solar luminosity.
( lepekhin_25.09.2012.pdf = 0,2 Mb) - F.G.Lepekhin
Bose-Einstein and other two-particle correlations.
( BEC_other_2_particles_cor_16-09-2012.pdff = 1,0 Mb) - V.A. Schegelski
Energy dependence of the mean energy required to form an ion pair in hydrogen.
( wresalts.pdf = 1,3 Mb) - G.A.Korolev
Neutrino oscillation results from the T2K experiment.
( kudenko_pnpi_0512.pdf = 5,6 Mb) - Yu.G. Kudenko
Highly Accurate 3D Modeling of the C-80 Isochronous Cyclotron Magnetic Structure.
( 3D 2012may seminar C-80 Artamonov.pdf = 7,2 Mb) - S.A. Artamonov
Hadron production in lepton-nuclei interactions at high energies: effects of formation length, energy loss and rescatterings.
( IvanovAE.pdf = 1,2 Mb) - A.E.Ivanov
Polarization of Lambda Hyperon in HERMES Experiment.
( belostot_DLL_PNPI.pdf = 1,6 Mb) - S.L.Belostotsky
Synchrotron radiation source of fourth generation (MARS).
( Ryabov_mars.pdf = 6,8 Mb) - G.A.Ryabov
Daya Bay and RENO experiments.
( Dayabay_PNPI_seminar_12.04.2012r.pdf = 2,5 Mb) - A.A.Vorobyov, and
Measurement of neutrino oscillation parameter theta_13.
( kosiyanenko_12_04_12.pdf = 1,5 Mb) - S.V.Kosyanenko
LENA Project and newtrino oscillations.
( novikov_10_04_12.pdf = 4,0 Mb) and
( kosiyanenko_10_04_12.pdf = 0,1 Mb) - Yu.N.Novikov, A.A.Vorobyov, S.V.Kosyanenko
Study of modification of elastic pp-scattering amplitude in nuclear matter through polarization measurements in reaction (p,2p)
with S-shell protons in nuclei 6Li, 12C, 28Si, and 40Ca at beam energy 1 GeV.(predefence of candidate thesis).
( pnpi-phd-2012-04-03-for-pdf-small.pdf = 25,0 Mb) - A.Yu.Kisselev
Nuclear relativistic energetics (Physicotechnical basis and results of first experiments).
( Chilap-2012.pdf = 7,7 Mb) - V.V.Chilap
Search for heavy vector bosons W' and W* in the experiment ATLAS.
( Seminar_pnpi_wprime_final.pdf = 1,9 Mb) - V.M.Solovyov
The common origin of the relastivistic and quantum effects.
( Amalsky-seminar.pdf = 0,3 Mb) - G.M.Amalsky
Modifications of the vector meson properties in nuclei.
( SeminarPNPI_March2012.pdf = 1,4 Mb) - A.A.Dzyuba
Physics of $\eta$ mesons. Recent results of A2 collaboration and prospects.
( SemHEPD.13.02.12.pdf = 2,7 Mb) - V.S.Bekrenev
Application of fast crystals in position-emission tomography (POT).
( TOF-PET_Kosyanenko.pdf = 1,1 Mb) - S.V. Kocyanenko
Prospective neutrino experiments in Europe.
( Novikov-PNPI-12_01_12_(3).pdf = 3,3 Mb) - Yu.N. Novikov
Seminars, 2011
Investigation of the nuclear matter equation at high densities.
( 2011-12-20-Kryshen-neutron stars.pdf = 1,1 Mb) - E.L. Kryshen
( pomeron_50years.pdf = 0,1 Mb) - M.Ryskin,
The diffraction cone shrinkage speed up with the collision energy
( pomeron_50years.pdf = 0,1 Mb) - V.Schegelsky.
Brief report "Last news about Higgs from ATLAS and CMS".
( higgs-15dec-2011.pdf = 3,7 Mb) - A.A. Vorobyov
Experiment MuSun.
( Vasilyev.ppt = 42,0 Mb) - A.A.Vasilyev
Investigation of nuclear fission induced by intermediate energy protons.
(MISSING_PARAMETER_VALUE.pdf = 3,1 Mb) - L.A. Vaishnene, V.G. Vovchenko
Investigation of inelastic $^{40}Ca(p,p')X$ reaction at 1 GeV.
(Miklukho.pdf = 4,6 Mb) - O.V.Miklukho
Anomaly of hyperfine structure in thallium isotopes.
(Barzakh.pdf = 0,6 Mb) - A.E.Barzakh
Superluminal neutrinos? Problems of the OPERA experiment and theory.
(OPERA_seminar_PNPI_10_10_2011.pdf =2,3 Mb) - A. Vorobyov, M.Ryskin
Polarization of Lambda and Anti-Lambda Hyperons
in Deep-Inelastic Scattering at COMPASS (CERN).
(alexakhin.pdf = 3,0 Mb) - V.Yu. Aleksakhin
Status of the NUSTAR project.
Experiments with beams of relativistic radioactive nuclei at FAIR.
(Maev.pdf = 2,3 Mb) - E.M. Maev
Radio isotope facility RIC-80. First experimental results on the
production of generator radio isotope 82Sr and other medical radio
nuclides at PNPI synchrocyclotron.
(Panteleev.pdf = 5,2 Mb) - V.N.Panteleev
Use of the CF_4/CO_2 gas mixture to recover of the gas-discharge detectors.
(gavrilov_27.09.2011.pdf = 7,0 Mb) - G.E.Gavrilov
(kuznetsov_abstract.pdf = 0,1 Mb) - V.Kuznetsov
On the possibility of measuring of proton and deuteron EDM's at storage rings.
(Abstract_dzyuba.pdf = 0,1 Mb) - A. Dzyuba
Short review of HEPi x conference.
(ReportPresentAtDarmstadt-2010-06-06.pdf = 0,4 Mb) - A.E.Shevel'
Quasi-free photoproduction of η -mesons off the deuteron (CBELSA-TAPS collaboraciya).
(talk-Gridnev.pdf = 1,3 Mb) - A.B.Gridnev
New experimental possibility to measure ratio of time-reversal non-invariant amplitude to weak-interaction amplitude for passing polarized neutrons through polarized target.
(lukashevich.pdf = 0,4 Mb) - V.V.Lukashevich
Near-threshold production of Sigma-minus hyperon in pn interaction.
(Shikov.pdf = 1,9 Mb) - E.N.Shikov
IKAR experiment at Darmstadt in 2011. Short report.
(GSI_carbon-Khanzadeev.pdf = 0,4 Mb) - A.V.Khanzadeev
Observation of passing 1 GeV protons through a plane silicon monocrystal with the help of the hodoscope based on the plane-parallel position-sensitive detector.
(3_PSD_2011-Kosjanenko.pdf = 1,6 Mb) - S.V. Kocyanenko
Small-x physics at the LHC. Abstract: A few selected topics, such as questions related to BFKL, saturation and multiple interactions will be discussed.
(gachina-Bartels.pdf = 6,6 Mb) - Joachim Bartels
Systems for selection and read out of data in high energy physics experiments (materials of the thesis for a Doctor's degree).
(Intro_26_04_2011-Golovtsov.pdf = 28,0 Mb) - V.L.Golovtsov
Neutrinoless resonance double capture.
(novikov-190411.pdf = 0,4 Mb) - Yu.N.Novikov
Experiment EPECUR: status and plans.
(epecur_pnpi11-1.pdf = 4,4 Mb) - I.G.Alekhseev, D.N.Svirida
A2 collaboration at Meinz: status, results, problems.
(SeminarHEPD7-Bekrenev.pdf = 3,9 Mb) - V.S.Bekrenev
Study of spin transfer coefficient to $\Lambda^0$ hyperon in the HERMES experiment.
(Presentation2.pdf = 0,5 Mb) - D.O.Veretennikov
Study of meson pair production in experiment of CBELSA/TAPS collaboration: first measurement of polarization parameter I^s.
(Article-scale-SV_06.pdf = 1,5 Mb) - V.V.Sumachev
Muon catalysis of the dd fusion: main results and unsolved problems.
(doklad22feb.pdf = 1,0 Mb) - G.G.Semenchuk
Rice frequency is tract characteristic of signal amplifier and its application for nuclear research electronics.
(Kashcuk.pdf = 2,8 Mb) - A.P.Kaschuk
Sensitivity of cross sections of elastic nucleus-nucleus scattering to space structure of nuclei with halo.
(sensitivity.pdf = 1,1 Mb) - G.D.Alkhazov
Study of delay fission and co-existence of forms in ISOLDE experiments (isotopes of Tl and Po).
(seminar_Jan_11.pdf = 3,3 Mb) - A.E.Barzakh
Status of В1-collaboration at ELSA accelerator (Bonn).
(11_01_25_Novinsky.pdf = 2,4 Mb) - D.V.Novinsky and D.E.Bayadilov
Seminars, 2010
Production of $\phi$ mesons in nucleus-nuclei interaction at
energies $\sqrt{S}_{NN}=62.4$ and 200 GeV in PHENIX experiment.
(21_12_2010.pdf = 2,0 Mb) - D.O.Kotov
Silicon Multiplier for Frontier Detector System.
(SiPM_PNPI.pdf = 7,1 Mb) - Herbert Orth
Plural birth cтруй with small cross-section impulses in pp- impacts at sqrt(S) =1.96 TeV.
(MultLowEtJets_120710.pdf = 1,2 Mb) - G.Z.Obrant
Super fast scintillators based on barium fluoride for positron-emission tomography and other applications.
(rodny.pdf = 1,4 Mb) - P.A. Rodny
(eliseev.pdf = 7,3 Mb) - S.A.Eliseev
First observation of fragmentation channel 16О -> 8Ве+8Ве.
(lepekhin_pr0911.pdf = 0,2 Mb) - F.G.Lepekhin
Compressibility of nuclear matter and neutron stars.
(2010-10-19-NS.pdf = 2,2 Mb) - E.L.Kryshen'
Experiment preparation for production of the isotope-generator 82Sr at the PNPI synchrocyclotron.
(82Sr1_experiment.pdf = 2,4 Mb) - V.N.Panteleev
Production of medical isotopes 82Sr and 201Te on new accelerator PNPI.
(tikhonov_24_June_2012.pdf = 0,7 Mb) - V.I.Tikhonov
Experiment with polarized hydrogen and deuterium at low energies.
(Engels.ppt = 17,3 Mb and
Engels.pdf = 6,7 Mb) ) - R. Engels
Production of a beam of tensor-polarized deuterons using a carbon target.
(Seyfarth.pdf = 1,2 Mb) - H. Seyfarth
Double polarized DD-fision experiment at PNPI. Status report.
(kravtsov.pdf = 2,2 Mb) - P. Kravtsov
Study of $^{191-218}$Po isotopes at laser ion source at ISOLDE (CERN). Status of new laser complex IRIS.
(fedorov.pdf = 2,9 Mb) - fedorov
Study of hyperon production in pp scattering near threshold.
(A.Dzyuba_SeminarPNPI_June2010.pdf = 1,3 Mb) - A.A.Dzyuba
Production of radioactive nuclei and preliminary project of RIC (radioactive isotopes at cyclotron).
(panteleev_25.05.10.pdf = 1,2 Mb) - V.Panteleev
Recent result from the Crystal Ball Experiment at MAMI-C.
(SemThomas.pdf = 7,00 Mb) - A. THOMAS
Investigation of resonances at accelerator MAMI-C (Germany).
(SemHEPD.pdf = 2,00 Mb) - V.S.Bekrenev
Systematization of nuclear gamma-transition energies.
(systematization_of_energy.pdf = 2,3 Mb) - I.A. Mitropolsky
Resistive Plate Chamber (RPC) for time-of-flight measurements.
(Vikhrov_seminar_16.03.10.pdf = 1,35 Mb) - V.V. Vikhrov
Search for heavy bosons Z' and Z* in the ATLAS experiment at LHC.
(Sedykh_march_2010_final.pdf = 1,1 Mb) - E.V.Sedykh
The investigation of the rare-earth manganits and manganats by the mSR-method.
- Sergey I.Vorobyov
Outlooks for supersymmetry discovery at the Large Hadron Collider..
(LHC2.pdf = 3,1 Mb) - D.I. Kazakov
Search for Extra Dimensions Using Weak Gauge Bosons. D0 Experiment.
(ED_report_d0_pnpi_january_2010.pdf = 2,1 Mb) - Yu.A. Scheglov
Neuron nets. Examples of application and training.
(NN_suvorov.pdf = 1 Mb) - V.M.Suvorov,
and (MY_ANN-kosyanenko.pdf = 370 Kb) - S.V.Kosyanenko
Seminars, 2009
Study of nuclear medium effect on the amplitudes of proton-proton scattering at the energy of 1 GeV (Project MAP2).
(map-2-09-mik.pdf = 1,5 Mb) - O.V.Miklukho
Measurement of the cross section of the dd fusion of polarized deuterons at low (10-100 KeV) energies (Project of the experiment).
(dd_fusion_2009_PK.pdf = 1 Mb) - A.A.Vasiliev
Research program of B1 collaboration at the S beam of the ELSA accelerator (Bonn, Germany)..
presentation: B1-commissioning02.pdf = 1,7 Mb,
photo: b1meeting_oct2008_1000.jpg
and Beam_S.doc - V.V.Sumachev
Influence of nucleon losses on the momentum distributions of the fission fragments in the case of fission of 252CF nuclei.
(Seminar_01_12_09.pdf = 2,1 Mb) - B.L.Gorshkov and G.E. Solyakin
T-noninvariant amplitude of neutron scattering.
presentation: seminar_10.11.09-Lukashevich.pdf = 500 Kb
and report: Russian.current.pdf - V.V. Lukashevich
Status and perspectives of experiments with the detector Crystal Ball.
Abstract: Starostin.pdf
and presentation: PNPI_Nov09_v0.pdf = 4 Mb - A.B.Starostin
Experiments R3B and EXL at the accelerator FAIR:
R3B+EXL_Alkhaz.pdf = 11 Mb - G.D.Alkhazov
Seliverstov_PNPI seminar October 2009.pdf = 1 Mb - D.M.Seliverstov
Zalite_PNPI seminar October 2009.pdf = 2 Mb - Y.K.Zalite
Multiple jet production at low transverse momenta.
(MultLowEtJets_102009.pdf = 1 Mb) - G.Z.Obrant
Study of nuclear medium effects on polarization of Lambda hyperon at HERMES. (Short talk).
(Adep_sem_brief.pdf = 320 Kb) - S.L.Belostotsky
Mechanisms of radioactive nucleus production from uranium targets.
(seminar-06-10-09a.pdf) - A.E.Barzakh
Measurements of muon sticking factors in muon catalyzed reactions of dd and dt fusion.
(balin-talk-29-09-09.pdf = 1,6 Mb) - D.V.Balin
Non-exponential two-body beta decay of stored hydrogen-like ions.
(YLitvinov_20090924_PNPI_Colloquium.pdf = 4,2 Mb) - Yuri A. Litvinov
Non-exponential two-body beta decay of stored hydrogen-like ions.
(seminar_22.09.09-Manaenkov.pdf) - S.I.Manaenkov
Joint PNPI-ITEP experiment "EPECURE".
(Epecure.pdf = 2Mb) - V.Sumachev
Study of $^12$Be, $^14$Be and $^8$B in S247 (IKAR) experiment.
(seminar_inglessi.pdf = 3Mb) - A.Inglessi
A detailed investigation of the reaction np-->pp pi^{-} has been carried out using
the data obtained with the continuous neutron beam produced by charge
exchange scattering of protons off a deuterium target. A partial
wave event-by-event based maximum likelihood analysis was applied to
determine contributions of different partial waves to the pion production process.
The combined analysis of the np--> pp pi^{-} and pp--> pp pi^{o} data measured
in the same energy region allows us to determine the contribution of isoscalar partial
waves ( I=0) in the momentum range from 1.1 up to 1.8 GeV/c. The decay of isoscalar
partial waves into ^1S_0(pp) \pi channel provides a good tool for a determination of
the S-wave scalar pp-scattering length in the final state which was found
to be a_{pp}=-7.5+-0.3 fm.
( See: Sarantsev.pdf ) - V.Sarantsev.
Radiative corrections in the Standard Model and its sensitivity to new physics.
and SPb.pdf =1Mb) - V.Novikov
Status of the joint PNPI-TUD experiment in Darmstadt on the nucleon polarizabilities.
(Polarizability.pdf = 5Mb) - G.Alkhazov
Recent results from D0.
(talk.pdf = 15Mb) - A.Lobodenko
Front End Readout for D0 Forward-angle Muon Tracking Detector.
(LU-2009-04-21_web.pdf =2.5Mb) - L.Uvarov
The proton form-factor problem and the OLYMPUS experiment.
(talkPNPI_09[1].pdf =1.5Mb) - S.Belostotsky
A brief review of the conference CHEP-2009: Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics.
(PLAN-Draft-2009-04-27.pdf =2.5Mb)
and MPG (1.9GB) - A.Shevel'
Experiment UA9 : beam collimation with crystals at SPS CERN.
(seminar_14.04.09-Ivanov.pdf )
Identification of electrons at ATLAS experiment.
(ATLAS_electron_id_PNPI.pdf )
Рождение одиночного t - кварка в адронном канале на LHC.
(seminar_10.03.09-Grebenyuk )
Analysis of pp-scattering data in the energy range from 100 to 1300 MeV.
(Faz0903-Fedorov )
Construction of thermal neutron detectors at PNPI.
(seminar_10.02.2009-Krivshich )
Systematization of Gamov-Teller states near Z,N = 50.
(seminar_03.02.2009 - L.Batist )
Experiment D0. Recent results.
(Dzero_08 - 20.01.2009 - G.Alkhazov )
Perspective of short-lived neutron-rich nuclei production and studies at the PIK reactor.
(seminar_13.01.09 - V.Panteleev )
Seminars, 2008
Investigation of baryon resonances using neutral decay channels. (subject of the doctor thesis).
(starostin_abstract.pdf )
The future Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) is a proposed
new facility to collide high-energy electrons with nuclei and
polarized protons. The main goals of the EIC is to explore the
strong gluon fields in nuclei and to precisely image the sea-quarks
and gluons in the nucleon. The speaker will present an overview of the
discussed physics program of the EIC and key measurements.
Seminars, 2006
Crystal Barrel at ELSA. The new TRANSREGIO-Project.
(Abstract_PNPI_06.pdf )
Мeasurement of spallation reactions and study of reaction 28Si(p,p/X)24Mg by 1Gev protons on the spectrometer MAGe (ITEP).
Seminars, 2005
Because of its unique properties, the η meson can be used to study C, CP and CPT invariance, to test the chiral theory of perturbation and other theories of strong interaction, to search for leptoquarks, to check the conservation of lepton number etc.
In this talk, an overview is given of results obtained while studying decays of η mesons produced in the experiment at the AGS pion beam using the Crystal Ball detector. On the base of 3 x 107 η decays, there are measured with a high precision the slope parameter of Dalitz plots for the decay η ® 3p0 and the branching ratio of the decay η ® p0gg. For the first time, upper limits are given for the decays forbidden by the C invariance: η®3g, η ® 2p0g, η ® 3p0g. The sensitivity of obtained results relatively to the C-invariance violation is estimated. Also for the first time, the upper limit on the CP-forbidden decay η ® 4p0 is established and the sensitivity of obtained value relatively to the CP-violation is estimated.
The study of η decays with the Crystal Ball detector goes on at the tagged photon beam of the microtron MAMI-C in Mainz. A short review of this new experimental program will be given.
The theoretical predictions for the non strange baryon resonance spectrum have the visible differences. This disagreement invites further experimental investi-gation of the pion-nucleon elastic interactions.
Recent experiments of the PNPI-ITEP collaborations resolved a part of the twofold ambiguities of the PWA. The PNPI-ITEP results were used in the new partial-wave analysis (PWA) FA02 of the George Washington University groups (2004 year).
The proposal for the additional spin-rotation parameters R and A measurements in the resonance region below 2.0 GeV is motivated. Such additional experiments are necessary to resolve possible remaining twofold ambiguities of the PWAs.
A new precision measurement of parity violation electron
scattering from the proton at very low $Q^2$ and forward angles is
being prepared for execution at Jefferson Laboratory. The experiment is
challenge to the predictions of the Standard Model of quarks and leptons
and is a search for new physics. There exists an unique opportunity to
carry out thr first precision measurement of the weak charge of the
proton, $Q_W^p=1-4\sin ^2(\theta _W)$, by building on technical advances
that have been made at Jefferson Laboratory's world-leading parity
violating electron scattering program and by using the results of earlier
experiments to constrain hadronic corrections. A 2200 hour measurement of
the parity violating asymmetry in elastic electron-proton scattering at
$Q^2=0.03$ (GeV/c)$^2$ employing 180 of 85 polarized beam on a 0.35 m long
liquid hydrogen target will determine the ptoton weak charge with 4
combined statistical and systemtic errors. The Standard Model makes a firm
prediction of $Q_W^p$, based on the "running" of the weak mixing angle
$\sin ^2(\theta _W)$ from the $Z^0$ pole down to lower energies,
corresponding to a 9 $\sigma$ effect at the envisaged experiment. Any
significant deviation of $\sin ^2(\theta _W)$ from the Standard Model
prediction at low $Q^2$ would be a signnal of new physics, where as
agreement would place new and strict constraints on possible Standard
Model extensions. In the absence of new physics the envisaged experiment
will provide a 0.03 (GeV/c)$^2$ determination of $\sin ^2(\theta _W)$,
making this a very competitive standalone measurement of the weak mixing
angle indeed.
Light Nucleus Clustering in Fragmentation Above 1 A GeV.
More...>> ( zarub.ps )
Modern data acquisition systems for the coordinate detectors. New designs of the
Radio-Electronics Department.
More...>> ( 2005-05_1.pdf )
Narrow highly excited states with halfwidth of $\Gamma \approx
0.4$ MeV have been recently detected [1] in nuclei formed in pickup
reactions $A_1(d,^3He)A_2^*$. They were observed in kinetic energy spectra
of $^3$He ejectiles. The measurements were performed with targets of
$^{116,120,124}$Sn isotopes in recoil-free kinematics. The last requires
for the two-body reaction $m_1+A_1 -->m_2+A_2^* $ the proper projectile
p_1=\sqrt{[\Delta^2 -(m_1+m_2)^2] [\Delta^2 -(m_1-m_2)^2]}c/(2 \Delta)
where $\Delta=A_1-A_2$ is a mass difference between nuclei $A_1$ and
David Gross, David Politzer and Frank Wilczek
have made a great impact on the theory concerning
the strong force, Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD).
Asymptotic freedom of QCD, non-Abelian gauge theory
of quarks and gluons, helped to resolve many
paradoxes of quantum field theory, and
it has a long and dramatic history.
A review of the analyses and experiments pertaining to baryon
spectroscopy and structure will be presented. A need to update the
energy-independent partial wave analyses for pion-nucleon scattering
data will be discussed. Determinations of the masses, widths and decay
modes of low-lying excited states of the nucleon, as compiled in the
Review of Particle Physics, are determined from the Karlsruhe-Helsinki,
Carnegie-Mellon-Berkeley and Kent State analyses. The data included in
these analyses were published before 1980. The possibility of a new
experimental program in baryon spectroscopy using the MIPP facility at
Fermilab will be discussed.
проф. М.Е.Садлер
Seminars, 2004
The reporter observes main tendencies in HEP Grid
computing with examples from PHENIX Grid and relevant
information from the conference CHEP 2004. PNPI role
in HEP Grid is also discussed.
The nuclear fission, in which a nucleus is deformed, and its fragments are emitted in the
direction of internal nucleons flow, resulted from outer force, have been proposed to call
by the specific name dynamical fission. Such nucleons flow may be appearing in the nuclear
reaction of a relativistic proton quasi-elastic scattering on a small angle.
The experimental data, that was obtained in PNPI RAS at 1-GeV proton energy with use of
the double-arm time-of-flight spectrometer, evidence for the considerable contribution of
the dynamical fission events of nuclei 238U, 232Th and 197Au to their total fission cross sections.
Proposal to constructing multi-arm time-of-flight spectrometer for
investigation of collective movements of nuclear matter
( See: proposal_ru.pdf ).
Project of experiment for searching non-strange resonance from
antidecuplet in the reactions p+p -
p+p and p+p -
KL at the ITEP accelerator. (New PNPI-ITEP collaboration).
( See: project.pdf ).
A resonant contribution of l=2 amplitude into the cross section of exclusive 4 pions production in γγ collisions.
( See: repino_04.ps ).
Properties of the hafnium-178 isomer. "Hafnium bomb".
Gamma-laser using isomers. Acceleration and breeding of neutrons in environment with isomers.
Two kinds of nuclear tripartitions have been observed in disintegrations induced in heavy nuclei by relativistic projectiles. With relatively small probability to binary decays coplanar three-prong events were observed,compara-ble masses being inherent to all three fragments. With larger
probability disintegrations were registered where two almost collinear massive fragments were accompanied by large nucleon losses with their total mass comparable
to fragment mass. Both processes were interpreted as consequences of a disintegration of a collinear three-bo-dy nuclear configuration arising in recol-free kinematics
through the formation of hadronic resonances including me-soatoms of heavy nuclei.
E-mail: gsol@pnpi.spb.ru
The cross sections for small-angle proton elastic scattering on the 6,8,9,11Li nuclei at the energies near 700 MeV/u were measured in inverse kinematics using secondary beams at GSI, Darmstadt. The hydrogen-filled ionization chamber IKAR was utilized as a target and a recoil proton detector. To determine the nuclear matter radii and radial matter distributions, the measured cross sections have been analysed with the aid of Glauber multiple-scattering theory. The nuclear matter distribution deduced for 11Li exhibits a very pronounced halo structure. The obtained data allow for a test of theoretical model calculations on the structure of the studied neutron-rich nuclei.
E-mail: dobrov@pnpi.spb.ru
Differential cross sections of reaction p -p®p0n
are measured for forward scattering angles.
The experiment is carried out at the pion channel of the PNPI
synchrocyclotron in Gatchina in the incident pions momentum range from
417 to 710 MeV/c. Measurements were made using PNPI
p0-spectrometer by detecting both photons from the decay
p0 ® 2 γ.
E-mail: dair@pnpi.spb.ru
Overview of current status of Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) and experimental setup of the PHENIX experiment is given. Plans of the PHENIX experiment upgrade up to year 2008 are presented. Physical program of the experiment and possibilities of its implementation are discussed. Performance of the PHENIX experiment during the RUN-4 is overviewed. Some physical results obtained in PHENIX experiment during the last year are presented: 1) measurement of transverse momentum spectra for charged hadrons and neutral p0 – mesons in dAu and AuAu at sqrt(s) = 200 ГэВ; 2) jet production in pp, dAu and AuAu interactions; 3) measurement of direct photons from the region of nuclear interaction as a function of transverse momentum and centrality in AuAu interactions; 4) production of J/Ψ in pp, dAu and AuAu interaction; 5) production of vector mesons (ω,
φ) decaying in e+e- channel. Basic directions of participation of PNPI in the PHENIX experiment are outlined. First results on measurement of light vector mesons decaying in hadron channels containing p0 – мезоны in final state are shown. Possibility to measure such decays in pp and dAu interactions is demonstrated. Further steps needed for continuation of this analysis are discussed.
( See: Present1.zip or Present1.pdf ).
E-mail: riabovvg@pnpi.spb.ru
Internal polarized gas target with atomic hydrogen and deuterium are widely used now in the accelerator storage rings. These targets have the density up to 10 14 at / cm and some advantages (no radiation damages, single type of nuclear) in comparison with the polarized solid targets. Low density is compensated by the multiple beam interaction with the target. These targets are based on the polarized atomic beam sources, which produce the parallel beam of the nuclear polarized atoms (hydrogen or deuterium) with the thermal energies. Atomic beam reaches the interaction area and crosses the accelerated beam. A t-shaped tube (storage cell) is used for the density increasing. Since the source of polarized atoms provides almost completely polarized beam, the target polarization and density is restricted mainly by the depolarization in the cell.
There are some experimental results confirming the existence of the nuclear polarization in the hydrogen or deuterium molecules produced by recombination of the polarized atoms. The first experimental result has been obtained as a by-product during the measurements with the polarized atomic targets at the accelerators. Systematic studies of the molecular polarization at the accelerators are limited by the high cost of the accelerator time.
A presented laboratory setup gives a possibility of the systematic measurements of nuclear polarization in hydrogen and deuterium molecules at different conditions. Polarized atomic beam emerges from atomic beam source (FZ-Juelich, COSY collaboration) recombines into molecules in the storage cell. An electron beam passing through the cell produces the ions H+2 and H+. In the special ion analyzer and Lamb-shift polarimeter (Koln University) the nuclear polarization could be analyzed separately for atoms and molecules. This enables the investigation of atomic recombination and molecular depolarization processes at different conditions.
The final goal of these studies is a significant increase of the polarized target density.
E-mail: vassilie@pnpi.spb.ru
The production of eta - meson on nuclei is still a very active field of
research lying in intersection of hadron and nuclear physics. A brief summary of the
present status of this problem is presented. Nowadays due to new precise
experimental data obtained mainly by TAPS&MAMI collaboration on this problem attracts
theoretical efforts in many laboratories. Nevertheless the results obtained by different
groups are in contradiction. So even the real part of scattering length of
eta-mesons varies from 0.27 to 0.95 fm. A possible consequence of this attractive
interaction is the formation of a bound-eta state for nuclei with a mass number larger
than A>11. Now there are no reliable evidences about the existences of eta-mesic
nuclei. The experimental confirmation of this bound system is of great interest in
nuclear and particle physics for using nuclei as laboratories for studying the eta -
mesons and the eta-N interaction in the nuclear field. Medium modification is one
of the most discussed problems of modern physics. To find clear evidence for real
influence of the nuclear potential on the physical processes is a main
interest of many physical programs. The eta - meson production on nuclei provides a
unique opportunity to study the interaction of the short-lived eta - meson with
nucleons in a nuclear potential. As was mentioned in many reports the new precise data especially from full kinematics experiments are strongly needed for further progress in this field.
The new experimental set on base of two famous sophisticated detectors -- Crystal Ball
and TAPS -- is under installation on the tagged gamma- beam of MAMI accelerator. The
combination of new experimental set and high energy resolution of primary
beam produces the new opportunity in experimental study of meson - nuclei interaction. The new
experiments with the aim to study low-energy interaction of eta-mesons with
nuclei and search for eta-mesic nuclei are proposed. We propose to study a strong final
state interaction of a slow eta-mesons produced by gamma beam on nuclei and
search for eta-nuclei bound state in full kinematics experiments. Nowadays such
experimental date do not exist. The details of experiments are presented.
E-mail: bekrenev@pnpi.spb.ru
Any measured before now angular correlation spectrum of coincident fission fragments of heavy nuclei at the incident proton energy 140 MeV ≤ Ep
1000 MeV is found to be approximated by a sum of two normal distributions.
Their mean angles and standard deviations differ from each other 2-3 times as match and depend from the proton
energy and the target nucleus mass rather smooth. The partial distributions may be associated with two fission
channels. The cross section of the ordinary fission channel for actinides decreases, when the energy of incident
protons increasing from ?? 50 MeV to 1000 MeV. The additional fission channel is open in the interval
from 100 to 140 MeV, and this cross section increases to some hundred mb for actinides nuclei, when projectile
energy increasing to 1 GeV. The additional channel dominates in the fission of 184W nuclei by 1 GeV protons
(? 83% of the total fission cross section). The high priority of the additional fission channel may be connected
with a more effective mechanism of the partial transformation of the incident-proton-kinetic-energy into
residual-nucleus-deformation-energy, corresponding to the fission barrier saddle point, than in the ordinary
fission channel. The residual nucleus deformation arises from directional nucleon flows in the course of
reactions of production-and-absorption of p-mesons and quasi-elastic scattering of incident protons on small
angles at the fast stage of interaction.
The appearance of the fermion condensation, which can be compared
to the Bose-Einstein condensation, in different liquids is
considered, its properties are discussed, and a large number of
experimental evidences in favor of the existence of the fermion
condensate is presented. A theory of high temperature
superconductivity based on the combination of the
fermion-condensation quantum phase transition and the
conventional theory of superconductivity is presented.
Resonant Ramsey’s method for measurement Р-, Т-violating amplitudes of interaction of the polarized
neutrons with the polarized nucleus in area р-a wave resonance is discussed.
Necessary expressions for the specified analysis are obtained on the basis of a formalism of a spin
density matrix of neutrons.
It is shown that a neutron phase spectrum contains information about the efficient fields in the
target. Analysis for a selection of T – odd amplitude is applied for proposed experimental scheme.
E-mail: lukasche@pnpi.spb.ru,
Contemporary spectroscopic methods require the presentation of nuclear reaction products in the form of high quality low energy beam. To produce such ions we need to thermalize a product in a media and then extract it in an ionized form. The application of solid catchers (ISOLDE, IRIS …) puts the limits which come from the necessity of diffusion in solid and consiquentive ionization.
Nuclear reaction products stopped in a gas media does not need to be diffused out and ionized
(IGISOL). During the slow-down process, the charge of an ion is decreased to 1e. The stopped ions are evacuates in vacuum with gas flow and electric field.
With the sample of Ion Guide ion sources the processes linked with transport of ions in dense (0.1-1bar) gas media in the presence of ionizing radiation and electric field to be discussed. The way to shape the electric field by electric cloud is considered. The calculations results are compared with the data obtained with IGISOL
(JYFL) installation.
( See Seminar_PNPI_Jan_2004.pdf
or Seminar_PNPI_Jan_2004.ppt )
For more details see:
The efforts directed to the search for new states in dimuon channel in ppbar collisions at 2 TeV collider will discuss. The idea to use the
different signal and background polarization to increase sensitivity in the dimuon invariant mass spectra have proposed. The mass spectra in the
region of invariant mass from 3 to 15 GeV and R.M.S. functions for the muon cos(theta) distributions in the dimuon rest frame are presented. Some
possible indications to the existence of new states in the mass region of Psi and Upsilons mesons have been demonstrated. The possibility of search
for B - mesons rare decays in the dimuon channel will be consider. ( See Search1.ppt )
E-mail: scheglov@pnpi.spb.ru
The detailed investigation of the reaction pp-->pp p0
( proton + proton --> proton + proton + pion )
has been carried out at two incident proton momenta. Momentum, angular
and effective mass distributions were analyzed in the framework of the
one-pion exchange model. Taking into account only the P33 wave
in the pole diagrams allows one to obtain the rather good agreement with
experimental data on differential distributions. At the same time the
predictions for total cross sections are much lower than the experimental data.
E-mail: Saran@pnpi.spb.ru
The laser ion source has been used for the study of the isotope shifts of
neutron deficient Eu isotopes. The extension of the region of the
applicability of the method by using the
g - b - radiation
detection is reported. We have measured the isotope shifts of the europium
optical line 576.520 nm for 137-144 Eu. To increase the laser ion source
efficiency an axial magnetic field was applied. Due to the axial magnetic
field application the produced ions were extracted more efficiently from
the ion source cavity. Nearly twofold rise of europium atom ionization
efficiency was observed. By using of the effect of optical ion bunching
the increase of selectivity was obtained. The isotope shift data for
139-144Eu are in keeping with the previously measured isotope shifts for
these nuclides. The new data for 137 Eu and refined data for 138Eu point to
the gradual increase of deformation for these isotopes. Comparison with
the microscopic-macroscopic calculations and calculations in the framework
of Hartree-Fock model have been made.
E-mail: dfedorov@pnpi.spb.ru
Seminars, 2003
Study of rho-meson pair production in two-photon collisions with detector L3.
( seminar1.pdf = 0,7 Mb) - S.Yu.Nesterov
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